Movie Night for CALD Community

Poster for Movie NightThe CALD Community of Shepparton was invited to a movie night on Sunday 9 June, as an invitation and opportunity to experience and understand different aspects of culture in Australia. Films included “Mamma Mia” and “The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind”.

A Free Movie Night offers young people a relaxed opportunity to be among friends and enjoy aspects of western culture as shown in audio-visual media not encountered before in a supporting and understanding environment. A simple gesture like a movie night reduces tensions, empowers people and furthers understanding and participation by those who settle here.


Movies for CALD Community
Movie Night was appreciated..

Community building and community strengthening are made possible by engaging new settlers to our region, giving them opportunities to participate in community events and build a strong sense of belonging. Making the movie free offers a level of acceptance not ordinarily found. Enabling understanding builds a feeling of worth, and legitimacy. Simple events like this – with popcorn! – build community in ways that give resilience and build for stronger participation in future.


Poster for Movie Night



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