Free digital Courses to help you get a job

The Digital Springboard CrewLooking for work? Need some help? Need to learn digital skills like a CV or a covering letter? Come along to St Paul’s African House and learn valuable digital skills to help you get a job! Workshops start next Tuesday 12 November 2019.

As a community-based learning program, Digital Springboard works to address identified digital skill gaps to ensure no one is left behind in today’s digital world. By attending a Digital Springboard course, participants can improve their digital skills and open up new employment and career opportunities.

Available across the country, courses are delivered face-to-face by local, trusted delivery partners such as community organisations and libraries. The courses are relaxed, informative and designed to build digital confidence.

Through tangible, practical assistance that directly engages the community, Digital Springboard provides support to individuals and communities to boost digital skills outcomes.

Participants learn to:

Build a CV and Email skills. If you’re looking for a new job or just want to give your CV a quick refresh, this course is for you. We’ll cover the key components of a great CV and how to speak about your strengths and skills.

Write a Cover Letter – What a cover letter is and how to write one step-by-step . How to succinctly summarise your skills and strengths in an attention-grabbing way. Learn what recruiters are looking for in a cover letter.

Interview Skills – how to nail a job interview with our best practice tips for before, during and after the interview. Learn to get in the right mindset before a job interview. How to make a strong first impression! Managing your nerves is included. How to answer some of the most common interview questions. Role play an interview

Come along and learn valuable digital skills to help you get a job! Workshops start next Tuesday 12 November 2019 at St Paul’s African House from 7pm.

Event Details

Program: Free Workshops to help you get a job.
Where: St Paul’s African House, 54 Poplar Ave, Shepparton
When: Tuesday evenings commencing 12 November
Time: 7pm-9pm
Cost: Free
To participate: Ring Kate on 0447 215 845 or email to


Digital Springboard Course





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