Volunteering and Settlement in Australia

Volteers from the CALD communityVolunteering Australia and Settlement Council of Australia have released a report on their National Survey on Volunteering and Settlement in Australia. Volunteering among the CALD Community brings a strong diversity dividend to both the volunteers and the organisations engaging with volunteers. Volunteering brings strong gains to the settlement process and personal well-being.

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New and Emerging Communities in Australia – Enhancing Capacity for Advocacy

New and Emerging Communities in Australia

FECCA – the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia – have produced New and Emerging Communities in Australia – Enhancing Capacity for Advocacy.

This report seeks to outline how individuals and organisations from Australia’s new and emerging communities represent their interests to government, business and the broader community. The report provides guidance to policy makers, government and other stakeholders on how and where to engage with new and emerging communities. It also provides recommendations for improving the capacity of new and emerging communities in advocating to government and other stakeholders.

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Cultural Competence in Australia – A Guide

Cultural Competence in AustraliaFECCA – the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia – have produced a Guide to Cultural Competence in Australia. This lays out the foundations of Cultural Competence and gives an overview of what Cultural Competence training is available in Australia – albeit under a wide range of labels for the training.

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