Of the world’s 82.4 million refugees, 15 per cent – or 12 million people – live with a disability. Bringing attention to this group this month will be six athletes who have been selected as part of the Refugee Paralympic Team.
Of the world’s 82.4 million refugees, 15 per cent – or 12 million people – live with a disability. Bringing attention to this group this month will be six athletes who have been selected as part of the Refugee Paralympic Team.
Multicultural Arts Victoria (MAV) has received a grant of $1 million to conduct new programs, one of which will be in Shepparton.
The two new programs, Duniya Behter and Ahead of the Curve, made possible with $1 million in funds from the Victorian Government’s recent Priority Response to Multicultural Communities During Coronavirus (COVID-19) Program, focus on building digital content skills, generating new community specific forms of transmission, and developing creative enterprise models.
These programs will create significant employment opportunities and position young people, women and creatives from culturally diverse backgrounds living in Melbourne, Bendigo and Shepparton.
Nasajpour was born with cerebral palsy that left him with some mobility limitations on his left side. In 2015 he left Iran for the USA. He attended the Rio 206 Paralympics as an Independent Refugee Athlete. He is now a member of the Refugee Paralympic Team in Tokyo 2020.
Day 13 is coming for all in quarantine. This will involve students from different schools. Advice and timings are given by GV Health. Guidance about wait time for all-clear from Department of Health is given – especially for families.