Temporary Visa Holder Flood Hardship Support – Shepparton

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Red Cross will be visiting Shepparton this Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of December to provide access to Temporary Visa Holders for Flood Hardship Support Applications.

What is flood hardship support for temporary visa holders in Victoria?

Flood hardship support is a Victorian Government funded financial payment for temporary visa holders (or people who have an uncertain visa status) who are experiencing financial hardship and whose work has been impacted by recent floods in Victoria.

This support is for people who do not have access to Commonwealth income support (including SRSS, Special Benefits and Job Seeker) or the Victorian Government’s Personal Hardship Assistance Program (PHAP) as their home has not been impacted by the floods.

How much is the payment?

Your application will be assessed and if eligible single people can receive up to $580. Families receive more based upon situation and size.

We know you may be in a difficult situation, however this is not income support and we know the payment may not meet all your needs.

Who is this service for?

Applicants must meet all of the following:

Live in Victoria

Were working or were seeking work in flood affected areas but are unable to commence or continue working due to the impact of the floods on their workplace

Be unable to access Commonwealth Government income support or the Victorian Government’s Personal Hardship Assistance Program (PHAP) as their home has not been impacted by the floods

Be seeking asylum, hold a temporary visa or have an uncertain visa status

Have no or very limited income, savings or community support


Temporary Visa Holder Flood Hardship Support – Shepparton




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