English language program for migrants set for overhaul amid concerns about proficiency

PM Scott Morrison at Citizenship Ceremony CanberraChanges to the Adult Migrant English Program are among a number of moves the government is making to boost social cohesion as Australia emerges from the coronavirus pandemic. Permanent residents and citizens with poor English will be given unlimited language classes, and aspiring Australians will face a tougher values test amid challenges to social cohesion from the coronavirus pandemic and foreign interference.

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Australian celebrities join forces to combat racism in new campaign

DoMore Anti Racism CampaignHugh Jackman, Margot Robbie, Nick Kyrgios, Ben Simmons and Sam Kerr are among the Australian celebrities featured in the new DoMore anti-racism campaign. #DoMore is a call to action for Australians wanting to be more informed, more educated, and more engaged in challenging racism. The #DoMore Project will use the stories of Australians of all backgrounds to challenge existing beliefs and raise awareness of the impact of racism. By understanding how we can all do more, we’ll help create an equal future for all Australians.

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People who live close to Muslims are less likely to be fearful of Islam

Muslims as Australian citizens

A study of attitudes of people who live nearby Muslims in Sydney and Melbourne has found that neighbours and so forth are less likely to be mistrustful of Muslims, and more likely to be tolerant of difference. The Conversation news media has conducted a study, Non-Muslims who live close to Muslims are less likely to be Islamophobic. We republish this study for your reading, on this website.

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St Paul’s African House: COVID-19 Pop-Up Testing Clinic

St Paul's African House, Shepparton
GV Health is running a two-day pop-up testing clinic for COVID-19 for the entire community for those people WITH SYMPTOMS of COVID-19 at St Paul’s African House on Tuesday and Wednesday 24/25 August 20-20 from 1:00-5pm each day. If you have any symptoms, it is important to get tested.

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Urgent need to Protect Migrant Women from Domestic Violence during the Coronavirus

Lockdown and Migrant women at risk of violence

There is a “serious and urgent” need for more investment in domestic violence services tailored to victims from culturally diverse backgrounds, a Senate inquiry has heard.

Multicultural groups have sounded the alarm over the lack of support during the coronavirus crisis in a series of submissions to a domestic violence review.

Rajya Arabi is a frontline worker at the Muslim Women’s Association’s Linking Hearts Service, where she works with women from culturally diverse backgrounds dealing with family violence.

In its submission, the association said the heightened risk of domestic violence during the coronavirus pandemic has made the need to invest in tailored services more urgent than ever.

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Why Victoria’s migrant communities are in need of more mental health support

Santino Atem Deng and familyCommunity leaders and mental health groups say new funding for mental health services during the coronavirus pandemic needs to include targeted multicultural support, amid fears many new migrants are still not accessing mainstream services. Here, SBS News interviews Santino Atem Deng, who has run several workshops on Family development in Shepparton.

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