Seasonal workers must be vaccinated

Seasonal workers must be vaccinated
Select workers (including contractors, volunteers and students on placement) will be required to show evidence of their full vaccination, or medical exemption, to their employer from Friday 26 November 2021 in order to continue working outside their home. Agriculture and forestry workers, and those who do seasonal work on farms and orchards must be vaccinated as per the directions of the Victorian Government.

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Helping people who are forced to flee

Helping people who are forced to flee

Are you teaching about people who are forced to flee? Use this teaching toolkit to teach students about the efforts of the European Union (EU), UNHCR and UNICEF to help people who have been forced to flee in Africa.

Challenge the common narrative on forced displacement by giving your students new perspectives that can help them reflect on the added value of assistance provided to EU’s partner countries.

This teaching toolkit was produced by the EU, UNHCR and UNICEF.

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2021 Walk Against Family Violence – Goulburn

2021 Walk Against Family Violence – Goulburn

Join people across Victoria to raise awareness and walk in solidarity with victim-survivors of family violence and violence against women, at the 13th Annual Walk Against Family Violence on Friday 26th November 2021.

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Social Inclusion Week 2021

Social Inclusion Week 2021

Social Inclusion Week Australia is about encouraging communities to reconnect and be inclusive of all cultures, age groups, nationalities and abilities.

Founded by Jonathon Welch AM, and now delivered and managed by Play It Forward, Social Inclusion Week was launched in 2009 as a way for communities to share knowledge and experience, and raise awareness.

It is an annual initiative that takes place the last week in November. This year, Social Inclusion Week Australia runs from Saturday 20- Sunday 28 November, 2021

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Prejudice Motivated Crime – Resources in English, Arabic, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Hindi, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Somali, Urdu and Vietnamese

Predjudice Motivated Crime - ResourcesVictoria Police has launched new resources to help diverse Victorians understand how to report prejudice motivated crime. Prejudice motivated crime is any crime motivated by prejudice or hatred towards a person or a group because of a characteristic such as race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.

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Anti-Racism Multicultural Family Concert

 Nelson Mandela Day Commemorative Committee

‘Act; Inspire Change for An Anti-Racism Strategy in Victoria.’ The Nelson Mandela Day Commemorative Committee is excited to bring people of various cultures to celebrate with song and dance in an Anti-racism Multicultural Concert.

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