Girl protection next step

The Shepparton Ethnic Council and other key organisations met on Thursday last week to discuss the next step in protecting girls from female genital mutilation. The morning tea included an invitation to the public to come along and learn more about female genital mutilation and was attended by Victoria police, Goulburn Valley Health, Gateway Health and mental health teams.

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Female genital mutilation is hurting Australian girls and we must work together to stamp it out

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By agencies working together, we can prevent female genital mutilation, which new research confirms is happening in Australia.

Elizabeth Elliott, University of Sydney and Yvonne Zurynski, University of Sydney

Female genital mutilation or cutting is largely hidden in Australia and other high-income countries. Most people don’t consider it a major issue. But our research shows it should be.

Our research found girls are presenting to paediatricians in Australia with female genital mutilation, but misconceptions about the practice are common and doctors want more information on how to manage this illegal practice.

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We must save our little girls

Ethnic Council of Shepparton community development officer Thon Thon and project worker Betul Tuna want to end female genital mutilation. The Ethnic Council of Shepparton is leading the way in protecting girls from genital mutilation.

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