Goulburn Valley Community Services Page
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Statewide After Hours Services
Primary Care Connect
Orange Door Shepparton
Culture Chat – Shepparton
Point of Difference Studio
Cultural Diversity at Goulburn Valley Health
NDIS – National Disability Insurance Scheme
Beyond Housing
St Paul’s African House
African Australian Multicultural Employment and Youth Services
Future Voices
Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault
Home and Community Care
Commonwealth Home Support Program
Victoria Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission
Social Security Rights
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health
Victorian Transcultural Mental Health
Culturally Responsive Health
Youth Services Directory
Department of Home Affairs
Victorian Multicultural Commission – Settlement Support
Rumbalara Family Services
Australian Human Rights Commission
Auslan services for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired
Befrienders Worldwide
Racism: Community Reporting Tool
Statewide, after-hours services
Out-of-hours services | |
Safe Steps1800 015 188 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
| Victims of Crime Helpline1800 819 817 or text 0427 767 891 (8am to 11pm, 7 days a week)
Child Protection13 12 78 (5pm to 9am Monday to Friday, 24 hours on weekends and public holidays)
| Sexual Assault Crisis Line1800 806 292 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Men’s Referral Service1300 766 491 (8am to 9pm Monday to Friday; 9am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday)
| Kids Helpline1800 55 1800 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
With Respect1800 LGBTIQ (1800 542 847)
| MensLine Australia1300 78 99 78 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Vinnies Shepparton
Family Violence Services Shepparton
VincentCare Victoria (Facebook)
Primary Care Connect
Primary Care Connect offers programs in the following areas:
- Counselling
- Dietician
- Drugs and Alcohol
- Drug Diversion Program
- Financial Counselling
- Family Violence Program
- Gamblers Help
- Koori Services
- Living Well with Chronic illness
- Needle and Syringe Program
- Parent Education
- Primary Health Service
- Supported Accommodation
- Youth Services – Drug and Alcohol
Visit Primary Care Connect
Orange Door Shepparton
The Orange Door is a free service for adults, children and young people who are experiencing or have experienced family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children. The Orange Door is now open in Central Shepparton, opposite Coles and Kmart.
Goulburn Orange Door can be contacted via goulburn@orangedoor.vic.gov.au or call 1800 634 245
The Orange Door welcomes everyone, regardless of migration status. You can seek help or support if you are a migrant or a refugee or do not have permanent residency.
Download a Flyer for the Orange Door
Download a Map for the Orange Door in Shepparton
Culture Chat – Greater Shepparton
Culture Chat – Greater Shepparton is a multicultural information sharing group with information from cultural groups and multicultural service providers in Shepparton. Visit Culture Chat – Shepparton
Point of Difference Studio
Point of Difference exists to create culturally safe, respectful and accessible environments in rural regional Victoria through education, the arts, research and consultation.
We are committed to promoting the importance of defining one’s identity, cultural intelligence, fairness and belonging.
Our vision is to eliminate the point of diff. Visit Point of Difference Studio – Facebook
NDIS – National Disability Insurance Scheme
The Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Strategy 2018 (the Strategy) is the NDIA’s public statement of commitment to working alongside people with disability from CALD backgrounds to achieve access to, and outcomes from, their NDIS Plan on an equal basis with the broader population.
The Strategy sets priority areas for action focussed on building connections and positive relationships with CALD communities, broadening choice and control, and increasing cultural competency within the NDIA and its Partners.
Amos care Support Services is an Australian private company of professional and caring individuals. And they are delivering innovative and superior health and human services to the Victoria & New South Wales community. If you live with a disability or care for someone, they are passionate about your journey to independence being as effective and enjoyable as possible. Amos care Support Services are providing NDIS support to CALD and multicultural communities in the Goulburn Valley. Visit Amos care Support Services
Cultural Diversity at Goulburn Valley Health
GV Health serves one of the most culturally diverse communities in country Victoria. We are committed to ensuring that services are accessible; respectful and responsive to the needs, preferences and experience of members of these communities.
The region’s cultural and linguistic diversity includes people from approximately 88 countries who speak 63 different languages. This includes communities established as a result of migration following the Second World War, primarily from Southern European countries such as Italy and Greece. In recent years there has been a significant number of new settlers to the region, particularly Arabic speaking people from countries such as Iran, Iraq, and Kuwait.
To support the needs of these communities, GV Health:
- Provides Interpreter services
- Offers translated materials in a range of languages
- Undertakes hospital tours
- Works in partnership with other agencies and convenes the Shepparton Refugee and Asylum Seeker Network
- Has a dedicated Diversity and Inclusion Committee to address priorities
- Provides cultural awareness training for staff
Interpreters are available for Goulburn Valley Health staff and clients, 24 hours a day, seven days a week in most languages. If an onsite interpreter cannot be provided a telephone interpreter will be available. Other tools such as Cue Cards and Health Translations are also available to staff and clients. A range on information is also available in different languages. All Goulburn Valley Health staff are provided with the opportunity to undertake training in how to work with interpreters and to provide linguistically and culturally appropriate services.
Visit Cultural Divesrsity at Goulburn Valley Health
BeyondHousing is committed to addressing housing affordability, tackling homelessness and fostering housing stability. We are known for our progressive and compassionate approach to working with people experiencing homelessness and housing disadvantage.
What We Do
We are the largest community housing organisation within the Goulburn and Ovens Murray regions of Victoria. We own or manage over 700 properties including long term community housing and transitional housing.
We are the main entry point for the homelessness system and provide a range of supports for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Each year we see over 5,500 people in need of assistance to secure or maintain their housing.
We have over 50 skilled staff supporting offices in Wodonga, Wangaratta, Shepparton and Seymour. We also provide outreach to Wallan, Broadford, Kilmore, Alexandra, Yea, Myrtleford, Yarrawonga, Cobram and Benalla.
BeyondHousing is a registered Housing Association in Victoria and we have achieved accreditation for Human Services Standards.
Visit the BeyondHousing website
St Paul’s African House
St Paul’s African House is a not-for-profit community organisation located in Greater Shepparton in Northern Victoria, Australia. We work together to create a brighter future for the African Communities of Greater Shepparton.
We are a safe, welcoming space where all people who identify with African cultures can gather to preserve, honour, celebrate, and pass on African cultures through stories, music, dance, food and fellowship.
We provide and support capacity building for people of African heritage to assist them to participate successfully and fully in the wider Goulburn Valley community,
We work with our community offering opportunities to engage positively and build relationships with people of African heritage.
Website: https://stpaulsafricanhouse.org/
Email: partnerships@stpaulsafricanhouse.org
Phone; 0431 453 044
Address: 54 Poplar Ave, Shepparton, VIC 3630
African Australian Multicultural Employment and Youth Services
African-Australian Multicultural Employment and Youth Services is a Not for Profit- Community Based Organisation, which is responding to challenges facing African Australians. AAMEYS partners with youth, adult allies, and youth-serving organizations to advocate for policies and champion programs that recognize young people’s rights to information; accessible respectful services; and the resources and opportunities necessary to create equity for all youth irrespective of their race, disability, employment status or their parents employment or education status/attainment.
Future Voices
Future Voices provides life-skills training to young people from disadvantaged and marginalised backgrounds so they can succeed in education, reach their full potential and contribute to the community.
Future Voices: Facebook
Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault
Crisis Care
GVCASA provides a 24/7 crisis care response to anyone who has experienced sexual assault at any point in their lives.
GVCASA provides confidential, telephone or face to face crisis care for people who have experienced past and/or recent sexual assault.
A state-wide 24/7 telephone crisis line is available by calling GVCASA, and for recent sexual assault an immediate face to face response with a crisis care worker is available 24/7.
The GVCASA crisis care worker meets with recent victim/survivor at GV Health or the Police station. The crisis care worker will provide support and advocacy; and information on legal and medical rights and options. Access to immediate support, advocacy and accurate information is crucial for the victim/survivor’s longer term healing.
Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault:
Tel 03 5831 2343
Fax 03 5831 1996
Sexual Assault Crisis Line – Toll free 1800 112 343 – 24 hour
or Free Call 1800 806 292
email: support@gvcasa.com.au
Volunteering in Greater Shepparton
Volunteering can be a great way to gain experience, meet people and contribute to services which will make a real difference to Greater Shepparton and its communities. Click here to find out more about Community Volunteering in Greater Shepparton
Commonwealth Home Support Program
A new provider is now delivering aged care services in Greater Shepparton.
From July 2022 the Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) is now referred to as In-Home Support.
Greater Shepparton City Council ceased providing Commonwealth Home Support Program services in July 2022.
The Australian Government has appointed two new providers, Calvary Community Care and Community Accessibility, to deliver aged care services previously delivered by Greater Shepparton City Council.
The new service providers commenced delivering the following aged services from July 2022:
- delivered meals (meals on wheels)
- home modifications
- access and support at home
- social connection programs.
Community Accessibility are now the provider for delivered meals, while Calvary Community Care provides for home modifications, access and support at home and social connection programs.
Clients and families have been supported by Council staff, Community Accessibility and Calvary Community care to make the transition to receiving services from the new providers.
For further information on In-Home Services please contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
MHA Care
MHA Care provides a comprehensive and co-ordinated system of community care services for frail, aged, people with a disability and their carers across the Moira Shire.
Through this commitment MHA Care now delivers the following programs. These are –
- Domestic Assistance
- Personal Care
- Respite Care
- Planned Activity Groups
- Delivered Meals
- Home Maintenance
- Home Modifications
- Home Care Packages
- Care Coordination
MHA Care receives funding from the Moira Shire Council, State and Commonwealth Governments to provide subsidised services to eligible customers under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and Home and Community Care Program for Younger People.
Click for Website
Uniting provides Aged Care, Alcohol and other Drugs, Carer services, Disablity, Emergency relief, Employment Services, Early learning, Family services, Housing and Homelessness, Mental health, Money matters, Multicultural services, Training and education, Social enterprise services. Find out more about Uniting here https://www.unitingvictas.org.au/services/
Victoria Equal Opportunity
& Human Rights Commission
The Victoria Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission role is to protect and promote human rights in Victoria. The Commission does this through a range of functions and services under Victoria’s human rights laws. From preventing discrimination and harassment from occurring to dealing with it if it does, we help people understand Victoria’s anti-discrimination laws and the impact of discrimination and sexual harassment. We also undertake independent reviews, investigations and advocacy activities to address systemic issues and promote human rights.
Read more about the Victoria Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission
Social Security Rights Victoria
The aims of Social Security Rights Victoria are:-
- To work towards a guaranteed adequate income for all people in the community;
- To promote the rights and raise the status in the community of all people in receipt of Social Security;
- To work towards an adequate standard of living for every member of the community, including the provisions of and access to good quality housing, health, education and legal services;
- To promote the redistribution of wealth through the welfare and taxation system;
- To work towards a Social Security system that is accessible; that provides high quality services; and that recognises and protects the privacy and civil liberties of all people;
Click for Website
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health
Disability in CALD communities website. Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health website aims to help disability service providers reach & connect with CALD communities & make their services more culturally and linguistically responsive. To address the barriers faced by diverse communities in accessing the NDIS & disability supports, which include lack of English proficiency, poor awareness & understanding of services and cultural factors, the new website features: Bilingual health professionals & support work * Multilingual resources on disability & the NDIS * Practical tips & ideas on how to connect with your local CALD communities * CALD resources & community services
Click for Website
Victorian Transcultural Mental Health
The Victorian Transcultural Mental Health offers a variety of mental health and cultural diversity seminars, forums and state-wide events for people with an interest in mental health and cultural diversity and/or who are working in various roles across publicly funded mental health, community, educational and social services. Read more information about seminars, forums and events here.
VTMH has just launched a new suite of resources to support mental health practitioners working with interpreters. These materials were developed in consultation with Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH) and other stakeholders as part of the Approaching work with interpreters in mental health settings Project. Click here for more information
Culturally Responsive Health
The Culturally Responsive Health Project builds the capacity of professionals and services to improve reproductive and sexual health outcomes for people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
We recognise that people from migrant and refugee backgrounds have diverse health needs that require tailored and culturally appropriate responses. Some health needs may be general such as sexual health literacy, prevention of sexually transmitted infections, or access to contraceptive choices. Other reproductive or sexual health needs may relate to specific experiences such as of female genital mutilation/circumcision/cutting (FGM/C), torture and trauma, or sexual violence within migration pathways.
People from migrant backgrounds may include refugees, international students, tourists, travellers as well as the children of migrants.
To view a range of resources on Multicultural Health and Multicultural Sexual Health, visit Responding to the needs of migrant and refugee populations
Youth Services Directory
The youth services directory is funded by school focused youth service in partnership with Goulburn Murray Local Learning and Employment Network, Mitchell Shire, Murrindindi Shire, Strathbogie Shire and central ranges local learning and employment network. The youth services directory is supported by the Victorian Government.
The Directory provides local service information in one place. The aim is to help children, young people, families, schools, agencies and services to:
- improve awareness of the child, youth, and family services systems, and
- increase opportunity for people to find the services they need
Visit the Youth Services Directory
Department of Home Affairs
The Australian Department of Home Affairs – For people who want to visit, work, study or live in Australia. Includes details of Australia’s Refugee and Humanitarian Program. Includes information for employers about sponsoring skilled people to work in Australia. Click for Website
Victorian Multicultural Commission
The Victorian Multicultural Commission provides support and advocate for culturally and linguistically diverse Victorians.
As the main link between communities and government, the Victorian Multicultural Commission engages with multicultural and multifaith groups to understand the issues they face. We then work together to identify and recommend potential solutions to government, policymakers and community organisations to make public services more inclusive and accessible. Visit the Victorian Multicultural Commission
Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative
Rumbalara provides Culturally appropriate care and support today for:~
Children and Young People
- We recognise the strength of creating a safe, welcoming, nurturing environment for the whole family and strive to help foster healthy habits in our youngest community members.
Women, Men and Families
- We offer care and support to individuals their families and their friends who are experiencing difficulties to improve not only their future, but also create safer and more cohesive communities
Elders and Disabilities
- Our Elders and First People with disabilities deserve high quality care and inclusive support to stay independent, keep healthy and be part of our community for as long as possible.
Visit Rumbalara Aboriginal Cooperative
Befrienders Worldwide
We believe in giving a person the opportunity to explore feelings which can cause distress, the importance of being listened to, in confidence, anonymously, and without prejudice. We value that a person has the fundamental decision about their own life.
Some centres have developed strategic partnerships, such as those partnerships between the World Health Organisation and Sri Lanka’s Sumithrayo to reduce the number of suicides by pesticide in their rural communities and that of Samaritans of Singapore and the local police, to work around suicidal feelings. Other centres are targeting particular sectors of society through innovative service delivery, such as our centres in Brazil with their web chat messaging support. This website is in 21 languages and is there to provide help to anyone, anywhere.
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission promotes and protects the rights of all Australians. The commission achieves this by:
- making human rights values part of everyday life and language;
- empowering all people to understand and exercise their human rights;
- working with individuals, community, business and government to inspire
action; - keeping government accountable to national and international
human rights standards; - securing an Australian charter of rights.
Click for Website
Auslan Services to the hearing impaired and Deaf
Many older Australians who are hard of hearing, deaf or deafblind, do not have access to sign language interpreting services through aged care programs or the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). As of November 2020, there has been a much needed step in the right direction broadening access to these services. Auslan Connections is providing free sign language interpreting services for daily activities, such as:
- family/social events
- banking
- moving/selling house
- dealing with agencies/advisors etc.
These services are available face-to-face and by video remote.
Bookings can be made via the Auslan Connections website or by calling 1300 010 877.
Racism: Community Reporting Tool
Regardless of where you’re from, what you look like, what you believe or what language you speak, no one should have to endure racism in the place they call home. Thanks for your support to help combat racism in Victoria.
this page last updated 7 January 2023