Cohealth will deliver the ‘Professional Standards for Bi-cultural Work’ training online in November.
Cohealth will deliver the ‘Professional Standards for Bi-cultural Work’ training online in November.
La Trobe University Shepparton would like to invite you to a special panel discussion: “Research and regional migration: What matters to whom and why?” on Thursday 9 November from 5:30pm.
An online Respectful relationships education webinar will be offered by ANROWS – the Australian National Research Association for Women’s Safety – on Wednesday 15 November from 4PM. This webinar is open to all and free.
Have you ever migrated to Australia to live, work or study? The Migrant Workers Centre would love to hear from you. This survey can be done in English, Arabic, Spanish and Chinese. Participants go in a prize draw.
The Chief Health Officer Victoria issues an alert on Friday 27 October regarding an Increase in COVID-19 cases.
The Goulburn Family Violence Executive and the Goulburn Child and Family Services Alliance invite you to our monthly information session where professionals present up to date information on our local services and happenings in the Family Violence space. The Goulburn Family Violence Executive and the Goulburn Child and Family Services Alliance are delighted to be joined by Matthew Parsons this month, Friday, 27 October 2023.
Life Saving Victoria will deliver a Water Safety Workshop at Aquamoves Shepparton on Thursday 26 October 2023 from 10:30am. Life Saving Victoria is planning to assemble a diverse array of local stakeholders to participate in this event, ensuring that the topics under discussion accurately reflect the perspectives and experiences of all those engaged in advancing water safety within the region.
MADEC Harvest Trail Services will hold a Harvest Trail Job Ready session in Shepparton on Wednesday 15 November at 2pm. Interested persons seeking employment are invited to attend.
The Shepparton Magistrates’ Court Specialist Family Violence Service invites you to participate in the: “Walk in Her Shoes Tour” on 23 November at 9:00am
Huma Media proudly announces the release of the Sehat we Zindagi (Health & Life) series, featuring 19 in-depth, 20-minute programs in Dari/Farsi on topics like mental health, women’s health, and domestic violence.