Respectful relationships education Webinar

ANROWS logoAn online Respectful relationships education webinar will be offered by ANROWS – the Australian National Research Association for Women’s Safety – on Wednesday 15 November from 4PM. This webinar is open to all and free.

When implemented faithfully, comprehensive respectful relationships programs improve student wellbeing, behaviour and attitudes.

This webinar will discuss new evidence on the effectiveness of holistic and inclusive Respectful Relationships Education (RRE) programs, and what is needed to support schools and teachers to implement them.

Many young people are experiencing the intersecting effects of increasing mental health distress, enduring gender inequality and high rates of gender-based violence. This webinar will discuss concrete findings on how RRE programs can work to counter and prevent these impacts and what factors influence the success of these programs.

This webinar will begin by presenting an overview of research findings from a project examining the implementation of a comprehensive RRE program. New insights into classroom dynamics and how these can impact student wellbeing, attitudes and behaviours will be shared. The researchers will be joined by a panel of experts to discuss the implications of the findings and how they can be incorporated into programs and services nationally to improve outcomes for young people.

The webinar will be facilitated by Michele Robinson (Director, Evidence to Action, ANROWS) with:

  • Emeritus Professor Helen Cahill (University of Melbourne)
  • Angie Wan (CEO and Co-Founder, Consent Labs)
  • Patty Kinnersley (CEO, Our Watch)

There will also be a live Q&A.

This webinar is designed to support all people working in, and adjacent to, the education system, as well as policymakers, peak bodies and researchers working in prevention of violence against women.

Participation certificates will be available for attendees who wish to count this webinar towards their professional development.

The webinar is open to anyone and free to attend. Live captioning will be available for the webinar.

A recording of the webinar will also be made available on the ANROWS website

Wednesday 15 November 2023
4:00-5:30pm (AEDT)

Register Here




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