National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023-2025

National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023-2025

The new National Disability Advocacy Framework 2023-2025 (NDAF) and associated Disability Advocacy Work Plan (Work Plan) are now available online.

The new National Disability Advocacy Framework commits governments to work together to improve national consistency and access to advocacy services for people with disability across Australia.

The National Disability Advocacy Framework and Work Plan was developed by the Australian, state and territory governments, in consultation with people with disability, families, carers, disability advocacy providers and disability representative organisations. On this page, we present the Easy-to-Read version of the Framework.

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GOTAFE Refugee Week highlights Student from Ukraine

Maryna Sliusar at GOTAFE

Maryna Sliusar moved to Australia from Ukraine in May 2022 with her son, fleeing the war with Russia.

Speaking at GOTAFE’s Refugee Week student event on Tuesday, June 20, Ms Sliusar shared her journey to finding safety and how education was shaping her future.

“This full-scale Russian invasion has divided our lives into before and after,” Ms Sliusar said.

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Multicultural Rental Rights Forum – June 2023

Tenants Victoria and Multicultural CommunityThe Victorian Multicultural Commission and Tenants Victoria will jointly host a multicultural renters forum online – on Tuesday 27 June 2023, 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Attendance is FREE and this is important to all refugees, asylum seekers and CALD community members to attend and learn their rights.

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Single Mothers in Shepparton: Bloom is here to help

Council of Single Mothers and ChildrenIf you are a single mum in Shepparton, needing some confidence and support in relation to study, work, and your future wellbeing we are here to help. Bloom is a free 8-week online program run by the Council of Single Mothers and their Children, individually tailored for each mum in online sessions and meeting once a month as a group in Shepp.

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World Refugee Day: UN calls for solidarity and inclusion amid record displacement

World Refugee Day

Refugees deserve support and solidarity, not closed borders and pushbacks. That’s a reminder from UN Secretary General António Guterres on Tuesday’s World Refugee Day, regarding the international community’s duty to assist and protect refugees.

With forced displacement at a record high of 110 million people around the world, Mr. Guterres called for more solutions to resettle refugees and help them rebuild their lives. He also stressed the need for solidarity with host countries and communities.

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Refugee Week: Mariam Nagawa finding her own community in Australia

Refugee Week: Mariam Nagawa finding her own community in AustraliaRefugee Week is a time to celebrate and amplify the voices of refugees and to educate the Australian public about the challenges and issues refugees face in Australia. Having run for more than 20 years, every Refugee Week comes with a theme. This year’s theme, ‘Finding freedom’, is about the millions of people who leave their home country every day in search of a safe space.

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