Single Mothers in Shepparton: Bloom is here to help

Council of Single Mothers and ChildrenIf you are a single mum in Shepparton, needing some confidence and support in relation to study, work, and your future wellbeing we are here to help. Bloom is a free 8-week online program run by the Council of Single Mothers and their Children, individually tailored for each mum in online sessions and meeting once a month as a group in Shepp.

BLOOM – Careers and employment guidance for single mums

A personal note from a Shepparton Mum preparing to begin Bloom
“The issues touched on in Bloom are so so relevant. Being a single parent can be a very lonely and misunderstood road. I think because there are so many of us, it’s kind of taken for granted how hard it is and how strong and probably tired the woman are who are in that position. A helping hand of any kind can mean the absolute world to a single mother.” I think this will be great for me, I am excited to start.”

55 years
Left home at 16
Parented 4 children under 5 for 20 years
Currently part time employed in the same profession for 20 years,
but felt unable to choose her career, just had to keep working for her children.
Has never been able to access genuine single mother support and professional guidance.

Why is a single mother specific program important?

During COVID restrictions, single mothers lost more paid work than any other family type. Economists suggested that single mothers, often working in casual and unstable work, may take longer to regain paid employment and revive their careers aspirations. 2022 data also demonstrated that 60% of single mothers have experienced family violence, far more the national average which also has great impact on a single mothers’ capacity to thrive.

Single mothers continue to counter stigma and social pressure regarding their status, often walking a tightrope between welfare payments, workforce participation obligations and their family’s wellbeing.

In 2023 evidence shows single mothers also face:

  • Unaffordable or unattainable housing options and rentals both in regional, rural and metropolitan Victoria.
  • Lengthy waitlists for mental health, trauma and family violence support and counselling.
  • An unsustainable cost of living whether working part time and/or relying solely on benefits.
  • Distress and shame when they are unable to meet their children’s unique supports, school fees or medical needs.

Single mothers are the poorest family structure in Australia and recognising their value, attributes, unpaid contribution to society and working potential is vital.

If we provide individual holistic support for single mothers to develop personalised pathways to employment, identify support for their barriers to paid work, and build peer supports and local engagement through place-based groups

We will raise participating single mothers’ self-esteem, address employment barriers, and increase employability potential

So that single mothers can secure employment that complements their family responsibilities and aligns with their interests Leading to
greater wellbeing, health and financial security for single mothers and their children, now and in the future.


Bloom brings a new model of working with women and mums. An individually tailored online program easily accessible in online biweekly consults with time in between to reflect, talk or email and additionally join a monthly face to face session to network together with a guest speaker, with group zoom sessions possible too.

Bloom Shepparton – How it Works

A place – based group program of online participants working independently with the Bloom facilitator, participating in monthly face to face group engagement and dynamics

Duration: Week of July 10 – August 4
Number of participants : 8 women
This program engages 8 single mothers in Shepparton and surrounds over an 8 – week duration (outside school holidays).

Bloom Shepparton provides:

• 4 one – on – one online careers and employment guidance sessions fortnightly via zoom + 1 Exit final session
• 2 monthly face to face group session with guest speakers to encourage connection, self – advocacy and reflection
• 1 – 2 Online nightly zoom group sessions with a speaker pending participant availability
• Emails, texts and phone calls to participants provided throughout to provide supports and referrals where required
• An online presentation with the financial counsellor from the Centre for Women’s Economic Safety.
• Offer of membership, support and peer connections with Council for Single Mothers and their Children.

Each Bloom program participant completes a detailed registration form and pre – and post – program surveys for evaluation . Individual case studies will be chosen and followed over the 3 month up to 12 progress of the client. In delivery, Bloom Shepparton provides enormous flexibility, works as a gateway to provide knowledge and access to a wide variety of services and referrals in the local and wider Victorian and provides a holistic appraisal of each mum’s work /life balance, wellbeing and readiness for work.

Program Details

Contact: Erika, Bloom Facilitator
Mobile: 0423 189 340

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Bloom Shepparton Program




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