Australian jobseekers could get incentives to work on regional farms

regional harvest workThe federal budget due on Tuesday will likely include measures to help plug labour shortages in the farm sector threatening the harvest of fruit and vegetables. Unemployed Australians could be offered financial incentives to take up regional harvest work in the federal budget to be handed down next week.

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Mental Health and Farmers

Mental Health Foundation of AustraliaThe Mental Health Foundation Australia cordially invites you to our National Symposium on Farmers Mental Health and Wellbeing. The mental health and wellbeing of Farmers’ is extremely important, not only because of the detrimental effect on Farmers and their families but also the direct impact on the nation’s vital agricultural industry.

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Migration must play a role in Australia’s post-COVID economic recovery

International arrivalsImmigration has long been an important foundation for Australia’s economic development and prosperity, but the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a dramatic slowing of overseas arrivals. The Morrison government has flagged that a “reset” of the migration program will feature in the October 6 federal budget. Now is the time to take stock of the current system and recalibrate for the future, to help Australia come back better.

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Coronavirus restrictions could lead to 26,000-person shortfall for coming harvests

summer harvestAustralia’s fruit and vegetable farmers need an extra 26,000 workers to harvest their crops this summer, according to new research illustrating the impact of coronavirus border closures on farm labour.

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Survey shows how COVID-19 has trapped temporary visa holders

temporary visa holders

At the first sign of lockdown due to COVID-19 in Australia and across the globe, there were concerns domestic and family violence would increase in prevalence and intensity. It was also feared that, at the same time, conditions would prevent women from coming forward.

We have now gathered data showing these fears were well founded.

But what of the specific situation of female temporary visa holders?

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Experiences of migrant and refugee women sought for advocacy and support

survey of migrant womenIn partnership with the Harmony Alliance, the Monash Migration and Inclusion Centre is conducting the ‘Migrant and Refugee Women in Australia Survey’. This is a national survey to increase understandings of the issues of importance to women from migrant and refugee backgrounds, with a focus on safety and well-being. Findings from the survey will inform advocacy for migrant and refugee women from their own views and experiences.

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Chief Health Officer apologises to Afghan community

Coronavirus - drive through testingVictoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton says a COVID-19 outbreak in Melbourne’s south-east is coming under control, and has apologised for statements that caused some in the Afghan community to feel targeted this week. Brett Sutton has worked in Afghanistan in 1999 and 2003 and has a high level of respect for the Afghan community and its values.

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Australia’s migrant support services buckling under pressure during coronavirus

ACOSS and migrant support servicesCharities and community groups providing migrant support services are facing a perfect storm of higher demand for services and reduced funding due to the coronavirus pandemic. A survey by the UNSW Social Policy Research Centre found three-quarters of those working with migrant and multicultural communities, Indigenous people and in the areas of legal and social advocacy reported an increase in demand for services.

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