Diabetes Victoria has information available in languages other than English. Information is given in Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Karen and Vietnamese
Information to help you self-manage your diabetes, including topics such as diabetes care, nutrition, exercise, pregnancy, associated health information, and the NDSS.
Building Blocks – Diabetes education video series
Diabetes Victoria’s Building Blocks is a series of brief, educational videos providing tips on managing diabetes. Diabetes Victoria has developed a broad range of topic-specific videos to support people living with diabetes, and qualified diabetes educators have reviewed all content and information provided in the videos.
The videos are designed to provide guidance on various topic areas; however, this does not replace advice from your treating specialist or doctor. If you are in doubt about any aspects of your diabetes management or care, please seek professional medical advice.
The Building Blocks video series was produced by Diabetes Victoria with the financial assistance of the Victorian State Government.
Managing hypos
This video explores what a hypo is, who is at risk of hypos and how to treat them. This video provides information on warning signs and how to treat hypos quickly.
Stay tuned for more videos like this!
Pictorial guides
Translated pictorial guides have been developed with community and include culturally relevant pictures and tips for staying healthy.
Click on the pictures below to read the online version of each guide.
The printed guides are $1.00 each.
To speak to someone in your language, call 1300 801 164.
Order a printed pictorial guide
The pictorial guides include:
Order a printed pictorial guide
Postage rate for pictorial guide
Diabetes Victoria is a charity and leading peak body for people living with or at risk of, diabetes. We currently offer free postage for all orders up to $10, as our aim is to make the guides accessible to as many people as possible in the diabetes community and minimise any barriers. When placing your orders, please bear in mind that we have been impacted by inflation and increasing postage costs. We ask for your consideration to not take advantage of the free postage by splitting your orders, so that we can continue to offer free postage for the vulnerable in our community.
Diabetes Victoria Team
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