Skilled Migration Community Meeting Webinar

Dept of Home Affairs Skilled Migration WebinarDepartment of Home Affairs is conducting town hall meetings in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane to engage community leaders and organisations about the increase in skilled migration visas. For those who cannot attend, an online webinar with senior officials from Home Affairs will be held on Zoom on Wednesday 17 May, 6pm AEST

Australia is currently facing the largest skills and labour shortage it has seen in decades. In response, the Australian Government has announced that an additional 35,000 places are available in the 2022–23 permanent migration program.

Throughout March and April, the Department of Home Affairs has held town hall meetings in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane to engage community leaders and organisations about the increase in skilled migration visas. These events were an opportunity for community leaders and stakeholders to engage directly with Home Affairs and ask questions of senior officials.

For people who didn’t have the opportunity to attend these face-to-face meetings, an online event is being held to hear about the updated skilled migration program directly from senior Home Affairs officials, and receive information you can share with friends, family and colleagues overseas.

When: Wednesday 17 May, 6pm AEST

The forum will include an opening address led by a senior Home Affairs representative, a presentation of information in response to frequently asked questions, and an audience Q&A session where you can submit questions to be answered by a panel of Home Affairs representatives. Questions can be submitted in advance via the registration form, or during the community forum through the chat function on Zoom.

Registration closes on Tuesday 16 May, 2pm AEST.

We look forward to welcoming you to these critical discussions and hope you will share these opportunities for skilled workers to make Australia their new home.

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Skilled Migration Community Meeting Webinar


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