Monday 31 May is the World Health Organization’s 34th World No Tobacco Day. This day raises awareness about the dangers of tobacco use and exposure. It highlights national and global efforts to fight the tobacco epidemic and protect future generations from its harmful effects. GV Health has resources to assist – GV Health – Quit Smoking Educators.
There is growing evidence that smokers are more likely to develop severe COVID-19 disease if they become infected. This has triggered millions of smokers world-wide to want to quit tobacco, inspiring this year’s theme for World No Tobacco Day: Commit to Quit.
Commit to Quit measures aim to create healthier environments that:
- advocate strong tobacco cessation policies
- increase access to cessation services
- raise awareness of tobacco industry tactics
- and empower tobacco users to make successful quit attempts.
GV Health Assistance for World No Tobacco Day
Cigarettes, roll your own tobacco, vapes, and waterpipes have bad chemicals in them that harm you and your children.
Children need adults/elders to protect them from these chemicals, by stopping smoking and asking friends and family not to smoke anywhere near children.
When adults/elders stop smoking, children have better health, less Doctor visits for lung and other health problems, and less risk of growing up to smoke tobacco.
Who can help you to cut back and stop smoking?
1. Community Health @GV Health – Quit Smoking Educators. Phone 1800 222 582 (choose option 4). We provide interpreters in your language and respect your cultural needs. This service is for adults aged 18 years or older. We offer face-to-face, telehealth or phone appointments.
2. Quit Victoria – Phone 13 7848 and ask for an Interpreter or an Aboriginal worker.
3. Doctors – ask your Doctor how to stop smoking.
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