New AMEP Online Resources

AMEP Online
On 1 July 2023, the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) launched an updatedAMEPOnline , a free English language learning website available to anyone, anywhere and anytime. AMEPOnline can be accessed on your computer or mobile phone, whether you are enrolled in the the Adult Migrant English Program or not.

On 1 July 2023, the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) launched an updated <AMEPOnline , a free English language learning website available to anyone, anywhere and anytime. AMEPOnline can be accessed on your computer or mobile phone, whether you are enrolled in AMEP or not.

AMEPOnline has recently expanded its selection of interactive audio and video activities to assist English learners across five different levels, including beginner levels. These contemporary and engaging activities are designed to enhance the learning experience. The Teachers Resources page on AMEPOnline offers additional resources to support teachers and learners, including the English Ready paper-based teaching and learning series.

AMEPOnline also contains one Australian Citizenship module, with three more modules to be released in late 2023. The four modules are based on the four parts of the testable section of registration link

New AMEP Online Resources
These are the new AMEP Online Resources
New AMEP Online Resources
New AMEP Online Resources!




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