The Multicultural Framework Review (the Review) is looking at ways for government and the community to work together to support a cohesive multicultural society and advance a vibrant and prosperous future for all Australians. Submissions are open until 29 September 2023. Information is available in 35 languages.
Making multicultural Australia stronger
Australia’s vibrant, modern multicultural society is a national strength. Multiculturalism is a central characteristic of a shared Australian identity, alongside Australia’s First Nations traditions and its British institutions. Our national identity continues to grow from pre-settlement to today and into the future.
Migration is fundamental to the Australian story. It supports our economic success and drives the increasing diversity of our society. Successive waves of migration have shaped and influenced the development of a rich multicultural society.
The Review will help ensure a Government that works for multicultural Australia. The Australian Government plays a critical role in supporting our inclusive and cohesive multicultural society, and ensuring we continue to enjoy its social and economic benefits.
The Review will be a first principles review of multiculturalism in Australia. It will provide clarity on the principles of multiculturalism, ensuring they are relevant, responsive and adaptable over time.
It will apply a strengths based lens toconsider institutional arrangements and legislative and policy settings at the Commonwealth level.
The Review will advise the Government on what institutional, legislative and policy settings can best build Australia’s multiculturalism over the next decade. It will also aim to identify how to better meet the needs of Australia’s increasingly diverse society.
See further information at: About the Multicultural Framework Review (
The Review will be guided by three key principles:
- advancing a multicultural Australia
- supporting our cohesive and inclusive multicultural society
- ensuring settings are fit for purpose in harnessing the talents of all Australians
and will consider:
- the effectiveness of existing federal:
- legislative and regulatory frameworks and legal settings
- relevant policy settings and programs
- strategies to promote multiculturalism, social cohesion and inclusion, and
- services designed to support multicultural Australia
- how the above existing federal arrangements interact with state and local government settings, identifying potential areas of duplication and gaps, and opportunities for further inter-governmental collaboration
- roles and functions of government and non-government organisations respectively
- identifying areas for reform to address any systemic barriers that prevent people from multicultural communities from fully participating in Australian society, including those barriers that exist due to racism and discrimination
- the effectiveness of current federal diversity, equity and inclusion strategies, including for the promotion of people from CALD backgrounds into leadership roles
- how the Federal Government can more strategically communicate and engage multicultural Australia, including in languages other than English
- opportunities to define a modern shared Australian identity and strengthen public understanding of multiculturalism as a collective responsibility through education and public awareness raising.
Information in your language
Information about the Review is available in 35 community languages listed below. You can scan the QR code below to access the information or click here: Information in your language
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