International Day of People with Disability is a day to understand and respect people with disability. International Day of People with Disability happens each year on 3 December. Translated fact sheets are provided in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Farsi, French, Greek, Hindi, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese.
4.4 million people with disability live in Australia.
And 1 in 10 people with disability have experienced discrimination.
Discrimination is when someone treats you differently because of a part of who you are.
This information came from a survey in 2018.
You can find more information on this website
The goal of International Day of People with Disability is to help the community to learn more about people with disability.
How did this day start?
In 1992 the United Nations decided that International Day of People with Disability would happen on 3 December each year.
The United Nations is an organisation where countries come together to:
- discuss world issues
- fix world issues.
Each year the United Nations will choose an idea that helps to remove barriers for people with disability.
A barrier is something that stops you from doing something you:
- need to do
- want to do.
The idea will also help make the community inclusive.
When the community is inclusive, everyone:
- can take part
- feels like they belong.
How will Australia support this day?
Countries around the world do different things to support International Day of People with Disability.
The Australian Government has supported International Day of People with Disability since 1996.
How Government share information about International Day of People with Disability with the community:
- on 3 December
- and throughout the year.
International Day of People with Disability also supports Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031.
This is because it helps make the community more inclusive.
Australia’s Disability Strategy is a government plan about supporting people with disability in all areas of their life.
For more information about Australia’s Disability Strategy you can visit the website.
In Australia, different groups and people support International Day of People with Disability.
This includes:
- governments
- the community
- schools
- organisations and businesses.
Translated fact sheets
What is International Day of People with Disability – Arabic (114.4 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Simplified Chinese (174.5 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Traditional Chinese (167 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Farsi (166 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – French (142.7 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Greek (166.5 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Hindi (159.7 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Italian (141.5 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Spanish (142.2 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Turkish (162.2 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Urdu (182.9 kB)
What is International Day of People with Disability – Vietnamese (165.9 kB)
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