Advice in Language: Mosquito Borne Diseases

Mosquito can spread diseaseSome mosquitoes can carry diseases that are transmitted through mosquito bites. In Victoria, the most common viruses transmitted by mosquitoes to humans are Ross River and Barmah Forest viruses. Infections caused by Japanese encephalitis, Murray Valley encephalitis and West Nile (Kunjin) viruses are rare but have the potential to cause severe disease. Here the Ethnic Council and the Goulburn Valley Public Heath Unit provide advice in the Dari, Dinka, Sudanese and Punjabi languages.

In most years, during the months of October to March, under favourable environmental conditions, mosquitoes can increase in large numbers causing nuisance, and at times pose a public health disease risk for nearby communities. Mosquitoes can also breed in large numbers after heavy rainfall or flooding events, increasing the risk of disease transmission.

Dari: Mosquito Disease Message:


Dinka: Mosquito Disease Message:


Punjabi: Mosquito Disease Message:


Sudanese: Mosquito Disease Message

Ethnic Council - Goulburn Valley Public Health Unit logo



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