Community Workshop: Queensland Fruit Fly

No Flies on us logoA Queensland Fruit Fly Information Session will be presented at the Greater Shepparton Business Centre on May 27 and 28. Fruit fly control is a community effort and requires vigilance. No single action is sufficient, an integrated management approach is essential. Learn more about what is needed at this workshop.

A Fruit Fly Information Session will be presented at the Greater Shepparton Business Centre on May 27 and 28.

This two-day event will delve into crucial insights about fruit fly management, prevention strategies, and the latest updates in combating this pest. It’s an excellent opportunity for professionals, farmers, and enthusiasts alike to expand their knowledge and network with industry experts.

Understanding the Problem:

Queensland fruit fly attack and damage a wide range of fruit and vegetables, and is recognised as a serious pest. When fruit is attacked it is inedible.

While the Queensland fruit fly is native to eastern Queensland and north-eastern New South Wales, the prevalence of hosts in Queensland, Northern Territory, New South Wales and Victoria has expanded the area in which it is found.

Fruit fly activity generally increases in spring as the weather gets warmer, however is not restricted to a particular season.

Outbreaks have the potential to limit production for growers and result in reduced income through lost trade opportunities. Queensland fruit fly attack many of the major crops in the region including pome fruit, stone fruit, tomatoes, berry fruits, cherries, citrus and grapes. The pest is also a problem for home gardeners.

Home gardeners and producers should treat fruit fly on their property through a range of management methods as you would for any other pest. The successful management of fruit fly is a community effort. A collaborative approach between industry, all levels of government and community is required to effectively manage the pest and reduce its spread.

This session is FREE. To secure your spot, please register by Monday, May 20. Additionally, we encourage you to share this invitation with your networks to spread awareness and maximize participation.

Event Details:

Date: 27 & 28 May 2024
Time: 5.00pm – 7.00pm
Location: Greater Shepparton Business Centre – 70 New Dookie Rd, Shepparton
RSVP/Registration Deadline: May 20 by email to
Light refreshments provided

Managing Queensland Fruit Fly in your garden: Arabic
Managing Queensland Fruit Fly in your garden: Dari

We look forward to your participation and the opportunity to collectively address the challenges posed by fruit flies.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact Ross Abberfield on


Community Workshop - Queensland Fruit Fly




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