The Burnside Conversations

DVD Cover The Burnside Conversations

Rymer Childs announces the release of The Burnside Conversations through Ronin Films. This series contains extensions of the interviews Julian conducted for Border Politics.

Rymer Childs announces the release of The Burnside Conversations through Ronin Films. This series contains extensions of the interviews Julian conducted for Border Politics. There are sixteen short docs in the series. Most run less than ten minutes. We hope they are useful tools for all kinds of gatherings around the protection of human rights. Decent information on this subject is increasingly hard to find.

The people in these interviews have dedicated much of their lives to the defence of democratic freedoms. They have much to share with you. We hope you will watch them, use them and share them!

These 16 short films are all about those most precious aspects of any discussion: the exchange of ideas and experiences with minimal constraint or mediation and with optimum passion.

These little gems forcefully examine fundamental aspects of human rights, and represent an incredibly valuable resource that extend and amplify and clarify everything that Border Politics began; they give space for extended thinking, in a way that our mainstream media rarely has time to permit.


The conversations in this series feature the following Australian and International figures:

Gillian Triggs (Australia) – former President, Human Rights Commission
David Marr (Australia) – journalist
Phil Glendenning IAustralia) – President, Refugee Council of Australia and Director, Edmund Rice Centre
Efi Latsoudi (Greece) – Lesvos Solidarity for Refugees
Kenneth Roth (USA) – Executive Director, Human Rights Watch
Francesco Balderrama (USA) – Professor and historian, California State University
Daniel Barney (France) – Spokesperson, Medecins Sans Frontieres
Paul Stevenson (Australia) – psychologist
Daniel Webb (Australia) – Director, Human Rights Law Centre
Tony Fisher (England) – Law Society, England and Wales
Wolfgang Ischinger (Germany) – Chair, Munich Security Council
David O’Neill (Scotland) – President, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
Emilie Rouvroy (Greece) – Head of Mission Greece, Medecins Sans Frontieres

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The Burnside Conversations Flyer



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