Social Cohesion through Education is a pilot program in Shepparton that will support the Victorian Government’s efforts to strengthen diversity, increase cross-cultural and global understanding and enhance social cohesion. Read more about this program.
Funded by the Department of Education and Training
Social Cohesion through Education is a pilot program in Shepparton that will support the Victorian Government’s efforts to strengthen diversity, increase cross-cultural and global understanding and enhance social cohesion.
Specifically, funding is provided for the design and delivery of the SCTE pilot in Shepparton which will support:
- schools and communities to collectively identify gaps in prevention and early intervention strategies countering anti-social behaviour
- schools to establish partnerships with local community groups and services
- schools to develop safe and respectful environments to ensure young people and their families are engaged with school
- schools to promote intercultural and interfaith understanding to develop a sense of belonging for young people and their families
- the development of evidence-based strategies that support young people and their families to contribute to their local communities
- schools, local communities, community organisations and government to develop and share corporate knowledge to inform sustainable ongoing efforts to boost social cohesion in Shepparton.

The initial stage of the Social Cohesion Through Education pilot will involve researching literature, data collection of demographics and profiles of:
- Students/families – demographics in the schools and representation of the demographics within the school council/staff.
- Teachers – recruitment process and induction.
- School councils.
- Existing initiatives within services and schools – what has worked and failed.
- The current cultural competency training available – how relevant is it to the issues and concerns with the refugee and new arrivals.
- What are the issues and concerns for the schools?
- What are the issues and concerns for students and families?
This collection of data will enable identification of the common concerns between all the stakeholders and the gaps between families, students, teachers, school staff, school councils and relevant service providers.