Victoria: Fire Factsheets in Other Languages

CFA LogoThe Country Fire Authority (Victoria) has Publications and audio files in languages other than English. Amharic, Arabic, Assyrian, Burmese, Chinese (both), Croatian, Dari, Dinka, Fijian, French, German, Greel. Jomdo. Indonesia, Korean, Macedonian, Malay, Maltese, Pashto, Persional, Polish, Punjabi Russian, Serbialn, Sinhalese, Somali, Spanish, Tamil. Thai, Tongan, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese. All these languages, the CFA has fire safety for you.

The Country Fire Authority (Victoria) has Publications and audio files in languages other than English.

You may click to read or listen to Fact Sheets, guidance on fire safety, smoke alarms and fire safety for the elderly and the disabled.

Click the image below to go to the CFA Fire Factsheets in Your Language


CFA Language Sheet
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