Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon. Scott Morrison MP gives one message to Australia’s Muslims on occasion of the end of Ramadan and fasting, a festival by name Eid-al-Fitr.
This year, in Australia and around the world, Eid will look different.
In response to the coronavirus, Muslims around the world have made extraordinary sacrifices: Mosques have been shut, prayerful gatherings have stopped, funerals have been curtailed and for so many, there will be no Hajj this year.
I honour the sacrifices made by the Muslim community during these times. Your efforts have protected others.
Though we all feel the concerns of our times – my message today is one of hope.
Here in Australia we are winning against the coronavirus. There’s still a long way to go, but we are winning. We are protecting lives and livelihoods.
And I need our Muslim communities to stick with what has been working: physical distancing, washing hands, and of course, downloading the COVIDSafe app.
I want to assure you there will come a day – a joyous day when people of faith can gather together and worship together.
Thank you for the great example you have set, and the leadership provided by the Muslim community. You are helping to make a difference.
As you begin this holy time, I hope the festival of Eid, with the virtues of fellowship, family, community and generosity at its core, will sustain you.
I offer everyone in Australia’s Muslim community my deep gratitude for everything you contribute to Australia, and wish you a blessed festival.
Eid Mubarak!
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