The Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program cohort gained a stronger insight into multiculturalism in Shepparton when they visited on Friday.
Shepparton Ethnic Council’s Sam Atukorala and Thon Thon also spoke about their lives in Shepparton and how they migrated from Sri Lanka and Sudan, respectively.
Loddon Murray Community Leadership Program manager Lucy Mayes said the group was travelling back from Canberra from a study tour there and thought they would stop at Shepparton.
Ms Mayes said she met Mr Atukorala and Mr Thon at the Regional Futures Conference in Bendigo a few months ago and asked them if she could bring the leadership cohort to Shepparton to listen to them speak about their life experiences.
“I just think speaking with ethnic communities and community leaders is a real reminder of the power of a community,” she said.
“Often these cultures take for granted (community) in their own home towns and then they look for it in Australia and if they don’t find it they create it around them.”
“‘Shepparton’s a beautiful example of where that kind of powerful community and family value is on show and people are really making something of their lives and are giving back to others because they feel so grateful for the opportunities.”

Article and image courtesy Shepparton News