Multiculturalism: Anthony Brophy Speaks

Anthony Brophy

Greater Shepparton Candidate Anthony Brophy gives a statement on the meaning of multiculturalism and the services required.

Greater Shepparton Council Elections
All candidates were asked to respond to these questions.

  • What does multiculturalism mean to Shepparton?
  • What specific services should Council provide to support these communities?

Responses in ballot paper order are given herewith without comment.

Anthony Brophy

What does multiculturalism mean to Shepparton?

Multiculturalism is Shepparton. It is the fabric of the community, in what we do, what we eat, what we listen to and how we see ourselves.

Shepparton is unique to other large regional cities in Victoria. Each city has its own intrinsic culture but here in Shepparton we are many cultures, all living, schooling, working and volunteering together. And yet this set of demographics wasn’t a planned structure. What brought this melting pot of multiculturalism together? The weather, the work or a sense of welcoming. We are Australian – European – Middle Eastern – Asian – African – Pacific Islander and more. We are a safe haven, a hard-working community and one which embraces our first nations people as original custodians of the land we now share. That is Shepparton

What specific services should council provide to support these communities?

Council is the level of Government that is closest to the community, and rightly Council should be representative of that community. Services needed to support our communities range from language (English), housing, employment, social services and support where there are gaps in establishing a foundation here in Shepparton. Critically, new and emerging communities need adequate support with physical, mental and allied health services. Educating the wider community of the different cultures is paramount and key to understanding. Essentially an integrated support service that welcomes, ascertains needs and provides engagement to mainstream services underpins the starting foundation to successful migration.


Mooving Art
Mooving Art – a great feature of Greater Shepparton


Source: Candidate’s statements supplied to Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District.



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