A new youth content funding opportunity has now launched! The Victorian Government are seeking proposals from young people and the organisations they work with to produce content that speaks to their communities and encourages COVIDSafe behaviour during our road to recovery.
About this program
Eligible parties are invited to submit content proposals addressing an identified theme, as outlined in this document (see ‘Themes for content’). Funding between $2,000 and $20,000 per proposal is available, with applications to be assessed by an independent Youth Taskforce.
This project is commissioned by the Victorian Government to amplify the voices of young people and provide paid work opportunities.
Mentorship from creative industry professionals, access to the latest health information and a series of free workshops will be available to all applicants to help plan and develop the creation and distribution of their work.
To find out more about this opportunity, we are hosting a free virtual information session at 12.30pm on Thursday 14 January 2021. Register to attend.
We’re calling on young Victorians, under the age of 29 years old, from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to develop and produce content that highlights the resilience and adaptation of young people.
Content needs to be digitally shareable and give the audience a deeper understanding of the COVIDSafe behaviours. It should also promote ways for communities to stay connected with each other in a safe and positive way.
Our call-to-action is geared towards:
- community health messaging
- connection and solidarity
- helping each other and empathy
- a well-informed public
- positivity, humour, happiness, agency, resilience
- making a real contribution.
We encourage any original art or content format as long as the content format adheres to COVIDSafe Principles at the time of production and is shareable through digital and social media channels. This includes:
- videos
- interviews
- photography
- street art
- spoken word performance
- music
- web series
- podcasts
- creative writing
- visual arts
Projects must align with the following:
- created by, with and for young people
- focus on young people between the ages of 11 and 29
- use creativity to highlight positive behaviour
- have a distribution plan – how and where you plan to share content
- provide an itemised budget that clearly demonstrates creatives’ remuneration
- have a COVIDSafe plan for production and adhere to current restrictions and guidelines.
Themes for content
Positive behaviour
- Overcoming barriers: How can people be encouraged to practice COVIDSafe behaviour?
- Explainers: Exploring a topic in-depth to educating audiences in a simple, direct and engaging way. Topics may include the benefits of a vaccine, the importance of washing your hands or why it’s safer the meet up with friends outdoors rather than indoors.
- Culture and identity: Finding ways to celebrate milestone achievements in COVIDSafe ways. Examples include birthdays, culturally significant days, starting a new year of education or training.
- Mental wellbeing: Sharing the ways young people are supporting each other.
- Promoting access and engagement: Sharing relevant supports and initiatives that are available and how young people can get involved.
Cultural connections
- Leaders in the community: How leadership can take many forms and highlighting those who have risen up in a time of crisis.
- Lived experience: Sharing the challenges young people have faced due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and how they have overcome them.
- Social and family bonds: How young people are maintaining and safely re-establishing connections and what they have learned.
Online information session: 12.30pm, 14 January 2021
Application deadline: 1 February 2021
Project must be complete by: 19 March 2021
Content will be checked for health information accuracy prior to approval for dissemination.
More information: go here