NDIS Transition Projects

The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is currently coordinating the transition support project which is funded until June 2020 by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). As NDIS transition progresses it is important that there is a response to the changing needs of people with disability, families, carers and service providers, with a particular focus for additional support for consumers in culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Consumer Support
The TSP aims to support culturally and linguistically diverse people with a disability and their families and carers to access the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) as it becomes available across Victoria until June 2019.

ECCV is working with other funded consumer agencies, the NDIA and Local Area Coordinating partners to ensure that culturally and linguistically diverse consumers are included in their transition activities.

ECCV is also developing a community engagement strategy to target vulnerable communities and provide links to accessing the NDIS.

Contact People:
Hanaa Grave, NDIS Project Officer, Community Engagement
Email: hgrave@eccv.org.au
Phone: (03) 9354 9555, and

Toula Elefsiniotis, NDIS Project Officer
Email: telefsiniotis@eccv.org.au
Phone: (03) 9354 9555


Resource: Self-Advocacy and Diversity: A model for CALD inclusion

“It is estimated that people from non-English speaking background with disability comprise 1 in 20 Australians, or approximately 1 million people.”

Ethnic Community Council of Victoria and Diversity and Disability (DnD), a self-advocacy program delivered at the Migrant Resource Centre North West Region (MRCNW) in St Albans, have worked in partnership with the Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District to develop a model to support the growth of self-advocacy among of people with disability from CALD backgrounds, in two communities in Victoria, one metropolitan and one regional. We’re pleased to present to you this model.

Click here to Download Resource
For more information: contact Hanaa or Toula on 9354 9555 e: eccv@eccv.org.au or Janet Curtain at DnD e: janetcurtain@hotmail.com

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