SBS launches ‘Summer Safety’ resource in over thirty languages

Road ClosedSBS has launched a new ‘Summer Safety’ resource targeted especially at culturally and linguistically diverse Australians. The website offers expert information on summer dangers from bushfire and flood preparedness to staying sun-safe and water-safe in Australia.

Australia is an amazing place during warmer months, but you should be aware of hazards such as bushfires, floods, water dangers and heatwaves. Stay safe and well this summer with the following expert guides for life in the hot months. SBS has launched a summer safety guide in 30 languages.


SBS Summer Safety resource


Child Diving into a pool


Australia’s diverse communities often face additional language challenges when receiving messages around preparedness and emergency. This resource was developed following consultation with the Rural Fire Service, the Country Fire Authority, the Bureau Of Meteorology and peak disaster and fire coordination services The Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council and Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience.

‘Summer Safety’ will also assist emergency services in their outreach and build disaster resilience and knowledge in Australia’s diverse communities. 

Help your community staying safe this summer and share the resource with them!

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