Victorian LGBTIQ+ Strategy

Victorian LGBTIQ+ Strategy

The Victorian Government has outlined a vision for LGBTIQ+ equality in Victoria for its first ever LGBTIQ+ Strategy, which will help drive equality for years to come.

The Government has also identified four key areas for potential change in policies, systems and services which can help fulfil this vision.

These foundations are based on consultations with more than 800 people and organisations about what the LGBTIQ+ Strategy should focus on and address.

Until 17 February 2021, Victorians are being invited to provide further feedback on whether these foundations reflect their own visions and ideas.


The first ever Victorian LGBTIQ+ Strategy will guide the Victorian Government’s efforts to achieve equality for LGBTIQ+ communities over the next decade.

Following consultation with more than 800 people and organisations across Victoria about the issues that need to be addressed, we have proposed a vision for LGBTIQ+ equality in Victoria.

We have also identified four high priority areas for change in systems, policies and services. These are known as ‘directions’.

The LGBTIQ+ Strategy Directions Paper provides a summary of the main themes raised during consultations, and details the vision and directions. It is available on this page.

Now, we are seeking further feedback on whether this vision and the directions adequately capture your vision for LGBTIQ+ equality in Victoria, and ideas for improving the lives of LGBTIQ+ Victorians.

How to participate

You can have your say by completing the short survey on this page by midnight on Wednesday 17 February 2021.
Next steps

Your feedback will inform the LGBTIQ+ Strategy, including the actions the Victorian Government will commit to take to achieve equality for LGBTIQ+ communities over the coming decade.

All Government departments and agencies have begun considering what actions they will commit to in the LGBTIQ+ Strategy. Your views will help to inform these decisions. The LGBTIQ+ Taskforce, which advises the Victorian Government on LGBTIQ+ issues, will also continue to provide input.

The LGBTIQ+ Strategy will be released in the second half of 2021.
Read the Strategy Directions Paper

Overview of Strategy Directions Paper

Themes from LGBTIQ+ Strategy consultations: Protection of human rights and access to justice; High quality, inclusive and accessible services; Intersectionality; Mainstream community inclusion; Connection within and between LGBTIQ+ communities; Data, research and evidence; Targets, monitoring and reporting


Proposed vision for the LGBTIQ+ Strategy: All Victorians feel safe, have equal rights and can live wholly and freely. LGBTIQ+ Victorians experience the benefits of full participation in economic, educational, community and social areas at all stages of life. Victoria leads the way in LGBTIQ+ equality, celebrating the community and taking sustained, enduring and measurable action.


Proposed directions for the LGBTIQ+ Strategy: Direction 1 Equal rights and freedoms; Direction 2 Equitable and accessible services systems; Direction 3 Visibility to inform decision-making; Direction 4 Safe, strong and sustainable communities


Next steps. Your feedback on the vision and directions will be included to develop the LGBTIQ+ Strategy, which will include: Victorian Government priority actions; and Governance and reporting mechanisms, including indicators.

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