NDIS Support for the CALD Community

Via a grant from The Department of Health and Human Service, Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities (ADEC)- is funded to help CALD communities in your area with information to help them better understand and navigate the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The NDIS can be confusing and can be even more complex for our CALD community members, therefor we welcome the opportunity to visit your group(s) and provide information on the NDIS and/or offer community members one on one NDIS support with Pre-planning sessions.

Information session with time for questions (customised to the needs of the group and an interpreter arranged)


  • What is the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)?
  • Who is Eligible?
  • What supports are covered under the NDIS
  • How to apply and what documents you may require 
  • What is Pre-planning and why it will help you?
  • What is a formal planning meeting

We understand that people have their own questions about the NDIS and we will allocate time for those questions in an information session.

One on one NDIS Pre-Planning Sessions

Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities is funded to provide eligible CALD participants with one on one Pre-planning sessions with a qualified Advocate. The Pre-planning sessions will support people with a disability and families to identify their goals and support requirements for NDIS planning purposes. This will help people be better prepared for their planning meeting with the NDIS, which if requested, the ADEC Advocate can attend with them.
All these activities are FREE and as this support is for the CALD community, interpreters will be arranged by ADEC.

To find out more, please contact Christy Flanagan at ADEC on 9480 7000 or christy@adec.org.au

Download a Flyer on Action on Disability within Ethnic Communities – NDIS Support for the CALD Community






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