Response to Aged Care Royal Commission final report – FECCA

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FECCA – the Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia today welcomes the release of the final report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, and acknowledges the Federal Government’s early commitment to systemic reform of aged care and additional funding for the sector.

FECCA looks forward to seeing the detail of that funding allocation, and understand that this is just the beginning of a long and complex reform process.

“As the Federal Government embarks on that reform process, we call on the Government to ensure equitable access to aged care services for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Australians.” FECCA Chair Mary Patetsos said

FECCA welcomes the recommendation of Commissioner Tony Pagone QC that an aged care advisory council be created. FECCA calls for CALD inclusion on any such advisory structures at the highest level to ensure that issues of equitable access to quality aged care services for CALD Australians receive appropriate representation. 

In relation to the redrafting of the Aged Care Act 1997, this should be done in a way that recognises the need for culturally and linguistically appropriate care, and should specifically recognise the need for interpreter services in the provision of aged care services.

“The Act should recognise and make provision for niche providers who most appropriately deliver services for diverse communities, and should provide a legislated role for advocates and sector navigators so they can better assist vulnerable older people in accessing the reformed aged care system.” Ms Patetsos said

FECCA will also take an interest in the commission’s recommendation in regards to workforce, system regulation, consumer control and rights, and sector transparency.

FECCA has been an active participant in the Royal Commission process. FECCA made a submission on behalf of CALD Australians and also facilitated many CALD Australians making submissions of their own.

FECCA once again welcomes the findings and looks forward to working constructively with the Government to improve the aged care sector for all Australians. 

FECCA is the national peak body representing Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Our role is to advocate and promote issues on behalf of our constituency to government, business and the broader community




(Source: FECCA Press Release)



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