Womens Leadership Program

Migration Council of Australia LogoThe Migration Council Australia, the auspicing body for SETS CoP, is seeking expressions of interest from migrant and refugee women, including from new and emerging communities, in Victoria to participate in the inaugural Women’s Leadership Program on COVID-19 prevention in multicultural communities in Victoria. Expressions of Interest from women in Regional Victoria are invited and due in by end of business on Monday 28 June 2021.

Women play a key role in creating awareness of health prevention and promotion, and influencing health decisions in their families and communities.

The Women’s Leadership Program will strengthen the capacity of migrant and refugee women to lead responses to COVID-19 in their families and communities, focusing on COVID-19 safety and vaccine preparedness while also addressing broader health prevention.

It is a 6 months program, starting in July 2021. The first half of the program will focus on capacity building and developing leadership skills, while in the second half the participants will be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired through the program to promote COVID-19 prevention and vaccine uptake and enhance the health and wellbeing of their communities.

The participants are expected to attend training and facilitated sessions via videoconference, complete an e-learning course and use the developed resources to promote health awareness in their community.

This program is an opportunity to further develop leadership skills, learn new and valuable skills, and become more confident in your work by giving you the resources and knowledge to further promote health prevention and safety in your community. Participants will receive a certificate upon completion. Participants will be remunerated for their attendance at the training and the facilitated sessions.

Who are we looking for?
It is essential that you are:

  • A woman from refugee and migrant background
  • Based in Victoria
  • A strong advocate for keeping your community healthy and safe
  • Passionate and eager to further develop your leadership skills.

The Migration Council Australia will aim to balance representation from different communities and geographical areas in Victoria.

How to apply
Please email rikke.andersen@migrationcouncil.org.au, using the subject line: Women’s Leadership Program Participant, with your Expression of Interest by COB Monday 28 June 2021.

Your Expression of Interest should be no longer than one page and outline who you are and why you are interested in the program, and how you will apply your skills to support your community’s response to COVID-19.

The project is funded by the Victorian Government’s Department of Premier and Cabinet.

The Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Community of Practice (SETSCoP) brings together service providers delivering the SETS program to collectively harness and maximise the sector’s contribution to effective settlement of migrants and refugees in Australia.


Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Community of Practice (SETSCoP) Logo
Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Community of Practice (SETSCoP)


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