FECCA letter to the Prime Minister urging support for the Afghan diaspora in Australia

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The Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia (FECCA) has written to the Prime Minister seeking support for Afghani who have taken up settlement in Austrlia. There is much distress among Australia’s Afghani community about recent events.

The Hon Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minster of Australia


The Hon Alex Hawke MP
Minister for Immigration

Dear Prime Minister,

Re: Supporting Afghan diaspora in Australia

The Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) is writing to you today concerning the impacts of the situation in Afghanistan on the Afghan diaspora in Australia.

Given the scale of the humanitarian crisis unfolding across Afghanistan today, Afghans in Australia are understandably terrified for their safety and the safety of their loved ones left behind.

This is a humanitarian crisis and Australia has always responded with generosity and compassion in these situations. FECCA implores the Government to assist Afghans in Australia and those still in Afghanistan with a strong connection to Australia.

In addition to the commendable efforts already underway by the Australian Government, FECCA urges the Government to:

  • Offer permanent protection to all Afghans in Australia on temporary visas, especially the 4200 Afghans on bridging and safe haven enterprise visas;
  • Include additional places in the humanitarian program for Afghans and expedite their processing;
  • Introduce special measures to speed up family reunification for Afghans in Australia, especially for vulnerable women and children in Afghanistan.

FECCA offers its support to the Government in accomplishing the above steps.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Patetsos
Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA)




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