In observance of Social Science Week, UNSW (School of Social Sciences and the Forced Migration Research Network) will host an online discussion of Intersectionality, refugee women & girls: From theory to practice on evening of Monday 6 September: 6.30pm-8.15pm
This online event co-hosted by the School of Social Sciences and the Forced Migration Research Network, will discuss applying the concept of intersectionality in participatory research with forcibly displaced and stateless women and girls, to explore their complex situations and to identify effective responses to sexual and gender-based violence and barriers to gender equality.
We will share a film that presents our current project on Refugee Women and Girls: Key to the Global Compact on Refugees (funded by the Australian Government and implemented in Malaysia, Thailand, and Bangladesh). The film shows that the step-by-step use of the methodology fosters genuine participation of refugee women and girls and supports effective responses to sexual and gender based violence.
Following a welcome from Professor Claire Annesley, Dean, UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture, the film will be introduced by Dr Linda Bartolomei and in an expert panel discussion moderated by Adjunct Associate Professor Eileen Pittaway and Dr Linda Bartolomei, three women from refugee backgrounds will discuss this film and what this type of analysis and the practice which comes from it, means to them.
- Andrea Ayala, Global Independent Refugee Women Leaders (GIRWL)
- Apajok Biar, Chair, Women Gender and Diversity Working Group, Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network
- Hafsar Tameesuddin, Chair Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network
This event is part of Social Sciences Week.
This is an online event. Please register through this page and a link will be sent to you prior to the event.
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