Guided meditations and Digital mindfulness resources in Arabic and Dari

Guided meditations and Digital mindfulness resources in Arabic and Dari
Smiling Mind in collaboration with Community Hubs Australia has developed a series of culturally-aligned meditations and mindfulness resources in Arabic and Dari to support the mental health and wellbeing of the Arabic and Dari speaking communities.

Supported by the Scanlon Foundation, Smiling Mind in collaboration with Community Hubs Australia has developed a series of culturally-aligned meditations and mindfulness resources in Arabic and Dari to support the mental health and wellbeing of the Arabic and Dari speaking communities. To learn more about how we made these resources, have a read of our blog posts featuring our voice artists for the Arabic and Dari programs:

Mindfulness is a helpful practice in any language. That’s why we collaborated with Community Hubs Australia to bring two new in-language programs to the app: Arabic and Dari.

We sat down with one of the project’s Arabic translators and voice artists, Naseem Hasweh. A loving parent and mindfulness newbie, here’s what Naseem had to say about the experience. Read an Explanation of the Arabic Translation Program

Finding a mindful moment can be as simple as putting away any distractions and really enjoying that cup of tea. It’s a new meditation you can find in our two new in-language programs: Arabic and Dari. We sat down with one of the project’s Dari translators, voice artists and Community Hub member, Naseema Alizada. Afghanistan-born, she is now a proud Australian citizen and mother of four. You can read an Explanation of the Dari Translation Program

Download a PDF file – written in Arabic – that explains this program

Download a PDF file – written in Dari – that explains this program
mindfulness -  dari

Download the Smiling Mind App (Available on the App Store & Google Play).
* Open the app and make a free account, or sign in if you already have an account.
* Go to Explore>Other Languages>Arabic/Dari to access the meditations (bilingual instructions are also included in this App).


Guided meditations and Digital mindfulness resources in Arabic and Dari


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