Annual Report – Year 2021

Maria Brown-Shepherd, President of the Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc., Regd. No A6321, delivers the Annual Report for year 2021 on 30 November 2021.

The past year has been one of extraordinary activity for the Ethnic Council in combating COVID and its impact on our multicultural communities. I have observed that our Manager and his staff have worked extended hours without respite over a prolonged period and I publicly acknowledge and appreciate this level of commitment.

The Ethnic Council continues to increase its funding and is growing its service delivery capacity and the past twelve months has been again a very busy year with a diverse range of activities being undertaken in the community and in partnership with other organisations such as Greater Shepparton Council and Goulburn Valley Health in supporting the regional vaccination hub.

Despite the restrictions imposed due to COVID the Council has expanded its service delivery options despite staff spending extended period working remotely.

The Board is required to be well informed on the functions and the financial probity of service delivery particularly in a period of growth as exists at the moment. The Board receives monthly financial and activity reports from Management to oversight the Councils Financial and overall performance to ensure our financial viability and standard of service delivery.

Each Board Member makes a valuable contribution to the overall working of the Ethnic Council, and I acknowledge the commitment of every Board member.
COVID has restricted the capacity to participate in a range of community activities many of which have been cancelled or deferred. I continue to be member of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia’s Rural and Regional Advisory Committee which meets virtually on a monthly basis and annually in person and I also sit on FECCA’s Healthy Aging Reference Group, and I represent the views of our older multicultural communities in this important forum.

The Board maintains an excellent working relationship through Manager Chris Hazelman with our staff who are responsive to Board needs and provide information and support as requested. Successfully achieving additional grants funding has provided a level of financial security which enables better strategic program planning and service delivery.

All of our current grants have enabled the establishment of effective partnership relationships with the funding and regional organisations. I note that some funding opportunities are now delivered through consortium arrangements with counterpart regional organisations and this provides more flexibility and capacity to deliver diverse programs.

Our end of year financial position is welcomed and the relationship with our Auditors indicates a level of compliance and understanding of the various components required for financial reporting.

I encourage all members to maintain the objectives of the Council and to remain a viable organisation providing advocacy and specific services for multicultural people.

Maria Brown-Shepherd,
Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District Inc., Regd. No A6321
30 November 2021






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