Vaccination at home for people aged 70 and over

Vaccination at home for people aged 70 and over

It’s now even easier for people aged 70 and over to get their third COVID-19 vaccination dose with a free vaccination at home appointment.

The Victorian Government has introduced free vaccination at home for people 70 years and over to make accessing vaccination more convenient.

Through this program, a healthcare professional such as a doctor or nurse will visit your home to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination at home can be booked by you, a family member or carer. This free state-run service is also available to people in aged care services if requested.

How to book

If you or someone you care for would like to book an at-home appointment, call the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398. If you need an interpreter, press 0.

Depending on wait times, it may take a little longer for you to get vaccinated via this service compared to attending a vaccination clinic, general practice or pharmacy.
Are you due for your third dose?

If you received your second COVID-19 vaccination three or more months ago, you should get your third dose now.

Three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine are very important for people aged 70 and over who are more likely to become sick if they get the virus.

A few months after your second dose, your protection against COVID-19 will not be as high. Getting a third dose will help maintain your protection against serious illness if you do get COVID-19.

You can get your free third dose at any state-run vaccination centre, your regular GP or pharmacy, or an Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisation, as well as through the at-home service.

Call the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 to make a booking or for more information visit


Vaccination at home for people aged 70 and over


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