The Australian Institute of Family Studies auspicing Child Family Community Australia will conduct an online webinar on Tuesday, 3 May, from 1pm-2pm on the topic of Approaches to support child mental health in culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Children and families from CALD backgrounds can experience challenges that may affect their mental health and wellbeing. They can also face barriers to accessing and engaging with services.
Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) represents communities with diverse languages, ethnic backgrounds, nationalities, traditions, societal structures and religions. Approximately a quarter of children and young people are from CALD backgrounds in Australia. Children and families from CALD backgrounds can experience challenges that may affect their mental health and wellbeing. They can also face barriers to accessing and engaging with services. Tailoring your approach to work with children and families from CALD communities can help you to better address their mental health and wellbeing needs.
This webinar will focus on working with children and families from non-humanitarian migrant communities, and aims to increase practitioners’ skills and confidence to:
- Understanding the factors contributing to child mental health in CALD communities
- Considering ways to proactively engage with CALD communities to support early intervention and prevention
- Understanding key principles and practice approaches for building trust and rapport with children and families
- Using strengths-based approaches to supporting child mental health in CALD communities.
The presenters will offer perspectives on what these approaches might mean for mainstream service providers, and for cross-cultural partnerships between services and practitioners.
We encourage you to test your system before the webinar (, and read our Frequently Asked Questions ( A recording of the webinar will be available on the CFCA event page shortly after the broadcast.
This webinar is co-produced by CFCA and Emerging Minds as part of the Emerging Minds: National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health.
About the presenters
Anagha Joshi
Anagha is a senior research officer at the Australian Institute of Family Studies. She is experienced in evidence synthesis and knowledge translation, and has produced practice papers, resource sheets, short articles and webinars to increase uptake of evidence in the child, family and welfare sector. She recently completed a scoping review to understand what Australian research exists on child mental health in culturally and linguistically diverse communities with Emerging Minds. Anagha has a clinical and program implementation background, with experience working with diverse communities in Australia and internationally.
Julie Ngwabi
Julie completed General Nurse training in Zimbabwe, and a Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing before moving to Australia with her family in 2004. In Australia, she completed a Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Dual Diagnosis) and a Masters Degree in Mental Health Nursing. Her passion is family focused mental health care. For the past ten years she has worked as a Perinatal Mental Health Clinician, COPMI Coordinator and as a Family and Carer Consultant in Sydney NSW. She believes in a holistic and systemic approach to mental health care to achieve positive mental health outcomes. Julie is passionate about CALD and social justice issues. In her spare time, she volunteers to support recently arrived refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in the community.
Zakiyyah Muhammad
Zakiyyah has journeyed alongside some of the most vulnerable members of the global community over the last 30 years; women and their families who had been victims and survivors of domestic and family violence, prostitution, alcohol and drug related problems, rape, abuse, refugees and asylum seekers, those who had experienced FGM, also those who have been suffered pregnancy loss, been pregnant, birthed and parented in some of the most difficult situations imaginable. Zakiyyah’s passions are studying and living within a social justice framework. This has led to her obtaining a wide range of experience and qualifications which enhance her holistic practice.
Meet the facilitator
Gill Munro
Gill is a social worker who has spent many years as manager of a large specialist drug and alcohol service. During her time in this role Gill noticed that the service experienced huge demand and easily met its KPIs but that it could do better in attracting people from diverse backgrounds. Gill’s passion for ensuring equity and access to the service, together with her discovery that very few people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds accessed the service, led to her to seek to find innovative ways the service could connect with migrant families and communities to facilitate their access.
Event Details:
Program: Approaches to support child mental health in culturally and linguistically diverse communities
Date: Tuesday, 3 May
Time: 1:00-2:00pm
Location: Online using GoTo Webinar
Cost: Free
Registration: Register Online Here
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