Victoria Police have raised concerns regards to people visiting the snow fields, there was a concern that some people are underprepared. Police have provided a media release for us to share amongst the community – so those wanting to attend the snow, have as much information prior to leaving.
Victoria Police are urging those travelling to alpine areas this winter to plan ahead to stay safe, with this year’s snow season expected to be the busiest in two years.
Poice expect an influx of Melburnians to head to the slopes this winter, as travelling to the snow was restricted for the last two years due to the pandemic.
The heavy snow fall is a timely reminder for snow-goers to be aware of the safety measures they can take to ensure their holidays are safe and enjoyable.
Those travelling on unfamiliar alpine roads are encouraged to drive with care and caution, with dangerous and slippery conditions predicted.
Bright Senior Sergeant Doug Incoll said the locals are looking forward to welcoming Victorians back to the alpine region, as long as they undertake necessary precautions.
“We are pleading with people to ensure their safety checklist is fully ticked off before heading up to the mountains, particularly when it comes to road safety,” Senior Sergeant Incoll said.
“One small oversight such as inappropriate wheel chains could easily lead to tragedy.
“We also ask everyone to make sure they enjoy themselves responsibly after a long day in the snow, this includes drinking responsibly and looking after your mates.
“Unfortunately, theft of snow equipment and personal belongings does occur on the mountains every year. There are a number of common-sense measures you can take to reduce theft of your property such as keeping your skis/board secure at all times and keeping valuables out of sight.”
Some roads are expected to be closed due to snow fall, so people are advised to check the VicRoads’ website or phone 13 11 70, resort websites and social media channels before leaving home.
Police are also reminding people to carry appropriate snow chains and ensure they can be fitted to their vehicles.
The chains must be fitted when directed to do so.
You can be fined and redirected away from the mountain for failing to carry and fit snow chains as directed, police say.

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Image Credit: Victoria Police