Multicultural mental health survey

Multicultural mental health surveyThe Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria’s newly-formed Victorian Multicultural Mental Health Network is inviting mental health service providers, policymakers and people with lived experience from migrant and refugee backgrounds to take part in an online survey. The survey results will be used to inform a discussion paper looking at the experience of multicultural communities in accessing mental health support and how access to culturally responsive services can be improved.

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Have your say on anti-racism

Have your say on anti-racismWhat are the reporting barriers and support needs of people who experience racism? The Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria is partnering with the Islamic Council of Victoria and Victoria University on a research project, funded by VicHealth, to inform recommendations on how to improve anti-racism support and reporting pathways. If you are a Victorian aged 18 or older and identify as a member of a multicultural or multifaith community, you are invited to take part in the project by doing this short survey.

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Your Basic Rental Rights

Rental Information HubAnika Legal has launched an online Rental Information Hub featuring information on renters’ rights in 10 languages: Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), English, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Spanish, Tamil, Thai and Vietnamese. The Hub, which came together after consultations with renters from diverse backgrounds on what information they need, contains a range of resources on rental repairs, bond, the basics of tenancy law and more.

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Youth Outreach Recovery Services

 mental health community support serviceThe Youth Outreach Recovery Services (YORS) program that is being offered to 16 to 25 year old people that are needing support with their mental health. The program services the Greater Shepparton, Moira, Murrindindi, Mitchell and Strathbogie shires and our participants do not need to have a formal diagnosis to benefit from the program.

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2023 Refugee Scholarships – Goulburn Valley Grammar

Goulburn Valley Grammar SchoolGoulburn Valley Grammar School announces its Refugee Scholarship for entry to the school in Year 7, for 2024. A Scholarship application form is given, there is an Open Day at the School on March 10, 2023, and Ethnic Council has offered to give assistance in preparation of scholarship applications to all who need help.

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Indigenous ceremonial performance opening up intercultural dialogue

Indigenous ceremonial performance opening up intercultural dialogue

Songs, dances and ceremonial traditions offer a rare insight into Australian history from an Indigenous perspective. At this time of the annivesary of the Apology to the Stolen Generations, the Ethnic Council supports the Voice to Parliament and the importance of indigenous culture to all Australians.

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FREE Multicultural Stand Up Paddleboarding program Shepparton

FREE Multicultural Stand Up Paddleboarding program Shepparton 
Surfing Victoria is bringing its Community Connects Multicultural Stand up Paddleboarding (SUP) program to Shepparton. The first sessions of the FREE Multicultural Stand Up Paddle Boarding sessions are coming up soon in Shepparton. In just under two weeks time this FREE event will take place for YOUNG PEOPLE. We still have spots left for young people from New and Emerging Communities.

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