Respect begins with a Conversation

Respect begins with a conversation
Respect is challenging rigid gender stereotypes at home, with your friends, and in your community.

Rigid gender stereotypes put limitations on people

We all deserve to be respected for who we are. But, growing up, many of us are told stories about the ‘right’ way to be a man or a woman. That we should have certain skills, likes and dislikes based on our gender rather than who we are as a person.   

These stories keep us from being ourselves. They filter through our homes, families, relationships and communities, and put limits on people. When we uphold harmful gender stereotypes and dominant forms of masculinity, we’re less likely to challenge men’s violence against women.


How do we change the story

Change starts with a conversation. This could be talking to your partner about how you share the housework, chatting to your mates about relationships, or starting discussions at your footy club about making sure women and men, and girls and boys are treated equally.

Let’s start talking, so we can build a future where we are all safe, equal and respected for who we are – not who we’re told to be.


Useful resources

Follow us on our socials to see more helpful Respect Starts With A Conversation content being promoted. We encourage you to share our posts and feel free to tag us:

Facebook – @RespectVictoria
Twitter – @Respect__Vic
Instagram – @respectvictoria
LinkedIn – Respect Victoria

Learn more about the campaign by viewing or downloading the resources below.

Respect Starts With A Conversation Campaign Explainer_English (Word, 88.14 KB)


Respect begins with a conversation

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