Growing up Well in Australia: Research Survey

Growing up Well in Australia: Research SurveyGrowing up well in Australia: Supporting mental health and wellbeing for children with disability from migrant and refugee backgrounds is a survey for Service Providers and Community Organisations such as the Ethnic Council. Interested persons are invited to participate and complete the survey. The survey is conducted by Flinders University and is confidential.


You are invited to take part in an online survey for a research project that is exploring the mental health and other support needs of refugee and migrant children with disability and their carers. We would like to understand the perspectives of service providers and members of community organisations working or volunteering in the following sectors: migrant and refugee settlement, disability, health, education, and child and youth. Even if you do not work closely with young people with disability from migrant and refugee backgrounds, we are still keen to hear your views.

The survey is estimated to take around 10-15 minutes. Some questions will ask for you to add more detail, which is optional. You can stop at any point during the survey if you don’t want to finish it, just close the page online. The survey is confidential, and you will not be identified in any reporting.

If you would like to see the findings of the project, you can leave your contact details at the end of the survey and we will send them to you when the results are ready. If you have any questions please contact A/Prof Anna Ziersch (, 08 7221 8484.

Thank you very much,

A/Prof Anna Ziersch, A/Prof Clemence Due, Prof Sally Robinson, Dr Moira Walsh.

This research project is funded by the Channel 7 Children’ s Research Foundation. It has been approved by the Flinders University Human Research Ethics Committee (Project 4147). For more information regarding ethical approval of the project the Executive Officer of the Committee can be contacted by telephone on 8201 3116, or by email

Link for the Survey


Growing up Well in Australia: Research Survey


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