Take the rental racism survey

Take the rental racism survey

Tenants Victoria and The University of Melbourne need your help with our joint project to better understand people’s experiences of racial discrimination in rental housing.

Tenants Victoria and The University of Melbourne need your help with our joint project to better understand people’s experiences of racial discrimination in rental housing.

Please share your experience if you are, or have been, a renter with a multicultural background in the last 5 years in Australia.

If you know a renter from a multicultural background please share the survey with them. Please note that the survey is confidential, and you will not be identified.

Take the survey now ⇇   Click this

Thank you for your interest in participating in this survey.

We want to better understand people’s experiences in rental housing. In particular, we are interested in learning about racial discrimination, which is when a person is treated badly or unfairly because of a personal characteristic such as race, country of birth, ethnic origin, or skin colour; characteristics that are protected by the law.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to consent and to complete a survey that should take roughly 10 minutes to complete. It is anonymous. The survey is confidential. You will not be identified.We will ask you a few questions about yourself, your housing experiences in Australia, and your health and well-being.

The survey is confidential. You will not be identified. When finished, you can leave your contact details if you want to go in the draw to win one of the $50 gift cards.

This research is funded by the Anti-racism Hallmark Research Initiative Interdisciplinary Seed Funding Scheme, University of Melbourne, and has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of The University of Melbourne (27891).

Take the survey now ⇇   Click this



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