A panel discussion exploring the barriers and supports for women on temporary visas experiencing family violence and their children will take place at St Paul’s African House on Friday 21 February 10:00 – 1pm
Women on temporary migration status experience specific element of risk and vulnerability in the context of family violence. This event aims to raise awareness and educate interested professional and community organisations working with CALD communities on the barriers and support options for migrant women on temporary visas experiencing family violence.
Date: Friday 21 February 2020
Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm (A light lunch will be provided.)
Location: St Paul’s African House, 54 Poplar Avenue, Shepparton
Cost: FREE
Registration: Online at Eventbrite
Do you have a question for the panel? Submit your question when you register.
Contact: For more information contact Hristina Serovska at Save the Children on 0429 590 799 or email hristina.serovska@savethechildren.org.au
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