Examining Domestic and Family Violence in Culturally Diverse Communities

Australia at Home logoPeople from migrant and refugee backgrounds are some of Australia’s most vulnerable domestic violence survivors. But barriers to the access of adequately tailored support services and assistance in these communities mean that they continue to fall through the gaps. This event will take place online on Thursday November 12 at 5:30pm AEDT (4:30pm AEST QLD, 4pm ACST and 2:30pm AWST).

People from migrant and refugee backgrounds are some of Australia’s most vulnerable domestic violence survivors. But barriers to the access of adequately tailored support services and assistance in these communities mean that they continue to fall through the gaps.

Join us for a groundbreaking panel discussion from Settlement Services International (SSI) unpacking the invisible struggles of domestic violence victims within our migrant and refugee communities. The panel will be moderated by Nicola Berkovic, Legal Affairs Correspondent at The Australian, with an opening address by the Hon. Mark Speakman SC, Attorney General, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, and with closing remarks by Trish Doyle, Shadow Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence.

Panellists will be:

  • Nicola Berkovic (Moderator) – Legal Affairs Correspondent, The Australian
  • Maria Dimopoulos – Former Chair, The Harmony Alliance
  • Juliana Nkrumah AM – Domestic & Family Violence Project Manager, SSI
  • Pallavi Sinha – Lawyer, Academic & Notary Public
  • Dr. Heather Nancarrow – CEO, Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS)
  • Amani Haydar – Artist, Lawyer and Lived Experience Advocate

This event will take place on Thursday November 12 at 5:30pm AEDT (4:30pm AEST QLD, 4pm ACST and 2:30pm AWST).

To Register click here.


Unpack the invisible
Unpacking the Invisible – examining domestic and family violence in culturally diverse communities


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