Anzac Day 2021

We commemorate ANZAC day here at the Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District, and ask our fellow Australians – and settlers in this region from all walks of life – to recognise the loss Australia felt and remember those who have served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations, from all faiths and cultural backgrounds. It’s an important time to remember the human cost of conflict. May we all be worthy of their sacrifice. On this day, Lest we forget.

Anzac Day Commemorative Service
25 April 2021, Shepparton War Memorial, Welsford Street


Anzac Day Wreath
Maria Brown-Shepherd, President – Ethnic Council – with Attilio Borzillo, Vice President – Ethnic Council – with wreath at the Shepparton Cenotaph, Anzac Day 2021

Anzac Day Commemorative Service
25 April 2021, Shepparton War Memorial, Welsford Street

Guest Speaker
Captain Leigh Kisnorbo – Royal Australian Navy

After graduating from Fairholme Girls College, Toowoomba, Leigh Kisnorbo joined the Royal Australian Navy in 1990 through the Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra. She graduated in 1992, and following her Supply Officer Application Course, completed junior officer postings to Fleet Headquarters (FHQ), HMA Ships Waterhen and Platypus, and Aide De Camp to Flag Officer Naval Support Command.

Whilst Deputy Supply Officer in HMAS Newcastle, she undertook an operational deployment to Timor Leste (Dec 1999), which was followed by positions in FHQ (Exercise Plans, Logistics, and Finance), and the Defence Material Organisation in the FFG Upgrade Project, and Logistics Management. CAPT Kisnorbo completed her Head of Department posting in HMAS Newcastle in 2009, before taking up the position of Officer in Charge – Supply School, at HMAS Cerberus (Vic).

Accompanied by her family, CAPT Kisnorbo enjoyed an overseas posting (2011-13) as the RAN Liaison Officer to US Pacific Fleet, Hawaii, before returning to Australia to complete the Australian Command 8 Staff Course in 2014. Following a posting to Strategic Logistics in Joint Logistics Command, she returned to sea in 2016 as the Logistics Officer in HMA Ships Perth and Stuart (WA), and a subsequent posting as the Collins Submarine Platform Sustainment Manager. In late 2019 she returned to Canberra on promotion to Captain, as Director Navy Logistics Support, responsible for Navy Uniforms, Fuel and Navy lead for input into the new Enterprise Resource Planning Tool (ERP) Project. This led to her being posted to the ERP Project as the Deputy Director in Feb 2021.

CAPT Kisnorbo is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and holds a Masters in Military and Defence Studies (ANU), and in Business (UNSW).


Anzac Day Commemorative Service  25 April 2021, Shepparton War Memorial, Welsford Street
Anzac Day Commemorative Service
25 April 2021, Shepparton War Memorial, Welsford Street

Prayer for Those Who Served
Mr Peter Martin REF ED
Honorary Secretary Shepparton RSL Sub Branch Inc.

O God, our ruler and guide,
In whose hands are the destinies of this and every nation,
We give you thanks for the freedoms we enjoy in this land
And for those who laid down their lives to defend them:
We pray that we and all the people of Australia,
Gratefully remembering their courage and their sacrifice,
May have the grace to live in a spirit of justice, of generosity, and of peace;
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
One God, for ever and ever. Amen.



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