Community Health Consultations

Murray Primary Health NetworkMurray Primary Health Network provides the public health support for the Goulburn Valley and Northern Victoria. They are conducting a survey to determine our regional health needs. Your participation is invited.

Murray Primary Health Network works to identify the health needs and health gaps in our communities – from Mildura down to Woodend, across to Seymour and up to Albury.

We do this by analysing relevant data as well as learning from user experience, to help guide our funding decisions.

We are now starting our next three-year health plan and are encouraging everyone who lives in our community to complete a survey  and participate in online conversations  to help us with this important work.

The information you and others provide will be themed and published as part of our Health Needs Assessment, which helps us make funding decisions. Your privacy will be respected.

Complete a Survey:
Help us to understand what the key local health needs and gaps are for you, your family and the local community.

Participate in a conversation: Help us to expand on what we know or have heard to date by sharing your experiences in an online group conversation.

In 2021, we have embarked on a brand-new Health Needs Assessment for our region. This work will guide Murray Primary Health’s funding decisions for the next three years, so we are encouraging everyone to get involved and have their say.

Complete the survey here

Join the conversation here


Murray Primary Health Network Survey




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